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pellet lube?

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I use "Naiper pellet lube" I find washing your pellets first in warm water and leaving to dry before placing them back in a clean tin then apply around x6-8 drops (to a tin of x500), close the lid then "roll" the tin a few times gets a good even coat of pellet lube to your pellets then you are ready to go!


Hope this helps


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I use "Naiper pellet lube" I find washing your pellets first in warm water and leaving to dry before placing them back in a clean tin then apply around x6-8 drops (to a tin of x500), close the lid then "roll" the tin a few times gets a good even coat of pellet lube to your pellets then you are ready to go!


Hope this helps




Ok ...this was an interesting question to start with....I have never used any lube so I am interested to know what it really achieves, is it worth the effort, does it put the power up, barrel cleaning, accuracy, cost..all the bits.., can you throw a bit more light on this whole pellet lube business for me and markieboi.


Many thanks


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I prep & lube my pellets (AA field) .22 with Napier lube.In my opinion i think it makes a difference with accuracy & i also acheived better groupings however this may just be a placebo effect but its like every sport people will do things differently.I like to do everything in my power to give me the extra confidence to take the shot & make it count..... :gunsmilie:

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I use "Naiper pellet lube" I find washing your pellets first in warm water and leaving to dry before placing them back in a clean tin then apply around x6-8 drops (to a tin of x500), close the lid then "roll" the tin a few times gets a good even coat of pellet lube to your pellets then you are ready to go!


Hope this helps




Ok ...this was an interesting question to start with....I have never used any lube so I am interested to know what it really achieves, is it worth the effort, does it put the power up, barrel cleaning, accuracy, cost..all the bits.., can you throw a bit more light on this whole pellet lube business for me and markieboi.


Many thanks



Personally speaking I find after "lubing up" my pellets the loading action from mag to barrel seems a lot smoother as for increasing the power of my rifle I haven't noticed any increase but have not put it over a crono since using pellet lube (prehaps I should just to see). Now for the "other bits" barrel cleaning I haven't given it much thought but will investigate, Accuracy, yes my grouping has improved since using this product (but not significantly), Cost, I think the last lot cost me about £4 quid.



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I use "Naiper pellet lube" I find washing your pellets first in warm water and leaving to dry before placing them back in a clean tin then apply around x6-8 drops (to a tin of x500), close the lid then "roll" the tin a few times gets a good even coat of pellet lube to your pellets then you are ready to go!


Hope this helps




Ok ...this was an interesting question to start with....I have never used any lube so I am interested to know what it really achieves, is it worth the effort, does it put the power up, barrel cleaning, accuracy, cost..all the bits.., can you throw a bit more light on this whole pellet lube business for me and markieboi.


Many thanks



Personally speaking I find after "lubing up" my pellets the loading action from mag to barrel seems a lot smoother as for increasing the power of my rifle I haven't noticed any increase but have not put it over a crono since using pellet lube (prehaps I should just to see). Now for the "other bits" barrel cleaning I haven't given it much thought but will investigate, Accuracy, yes my grouping has improved since using this product (but not significantly), Cost, I think the last lot cost me about £4 quid.





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