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  On 16/08/2021 at 10:59, Born Hunter said:

Given that many people are asking "what was the point of the last 20 years" if it's now all back to normal, in the future if faced with another 911/Afghanistan what do you think we should do? What are the 'right' circumstances and what are the right ways to use military force?


That's a tough question, mate. Trying to find a proportionate response to something like that is a challenge.

A retaliation is inevitable, and you know how I feel about defensive measures over offensive measures with the military. I'm also wondering what a correct response would be.

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  On 16/08/2021 at 22:34, Daniel cain said:

Why didn't the yanks destroy the lot? Would of seemed the most logical thing to do? Or is leaving it part of the next bit of the plan?? Shit gets stranger by the day..who can we believe???


Sounds like it was a question of time. They didn't expect the resistance which is frankly baffling considering they've been an occupying force for 20 years.

For those of us old enough to have seen the Soviet footage of their withdrawal in '89 it's a f*ck*ng meme at this point. Bureaucrats don't believe in urgency.

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I honestly believe now the taliban have no one to fight with in Afghanistan they will take the fight out of the country just by looking at them on clips on the news you just can't imagine them doing anything else bar fight. My other concern would be will they up heroine production now as a means to fund buying more arms and to fund terrorism on foreign soil. 

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  On 17/08/2021 at 06:52, tatsblisters said:

I honestly believe now the taliban have no one to fight with in Afghanistan they will take the fight out of the country just by looking at them on clips on the news you just can't imagine them doing anything else bar fight. My other concern would be will they up heroine production now as a means to fund buying more arms and to fund terrorism on foreign soil. 


I think Afghanistan will go through a period of calm. The Taliban seem to be saying the right things about peace and power sharing, they are even suggesting women should carry on with their education. 

I think they will be much cleverer about how they conduct themselves, doing the correct things publicly and as you say, upping heroin production and giving a home to isis in the background 

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  On 16/08/2021 at 22:34, Daniel cain said:

Why didn't the yanks destroy the lot? Would of seemed the most logical thing to do? Or is leaving it part of the next bit of the plan?? Shit gets stranger by the day..who can we believe???


I don't know why they don't destroy the gear they leave, but I guess it's a simple case of economics to the planners; it would cost more to bring home than what it's worth.

I remember after the gulf wars the Brits left loads of materiel in Saudi. I heard of some landrovers being left at a village near where I lived, so a couple of us drove out to see them. There was a dozen landrover air portables and SAS gun platforms, brand new, delivery mileage  All runners.

My mate bought an air portable, with brand new spare tilt, from the headman of the village, for around £1200 and sent it back to the UK.

Another lad bought a shipping container full of ten man ration packs, the Saudis wouldn't touch them as the contained bacon grill !!!

We ate well for months ! ? !


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  On 16/08/2021 at 21:58, Daniel cain said:

Tuck your teeth in odd-job?...we should never of sent our boys out there in the first place imo,should of left you all to it.. enough members of my family served out there 70s/80s/90s present day, still have the mental and physical scars...my mate was 1 of the last British soldiers to be  shot when they had a pizza delivered by 2 spineless cnuts ,hiding in the shadows, that  then  faded back in amoungst the locals....no different to Afghanistan from where I'm sat ?


The fact NI is a British territory is why our boys were sent out here .

Left us all to it ?? So the persecution of British citizens is ok as long as it's not on the mainland ? 

What about the Falklands should our boys of been there ?

Like I said Northern Ireland is nothing like Afghanistan ..

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  On 16/08/2021 at 21:58, Daniel cain said:

Tuck your teeth in odd-job?...we should never of sent our boys out there in the first place imo,should of left you all to it.. enough members of my family served out there 70s/80s/90s present day, still have the mental and physical scars...my mate was 1 of the last British soldiers to be  shot when they had a pizza delivered by 2 spineless cnuts ,hiding in the shadows, that  then  faded back in amoungst the locals....no different to Afghanistan from where I'm sat ?


I have travelled all over Britain mate, and I can hand on heart say that Northern Ireland is the most British place in the British Isles.

Having British troops stationed there isn’t even a question in my mind, I know my republican friends on here will take a completely different view of that but for me, it’s a no brainer.

I don’t know how much of it is anchored in fact, but I always thought Britain as a military heavyweight and well known global thug showed great restraint in our dealings in Northern Ireland with the republican insurgents……also in our dealings with the republic which everyone knows harboured these people…..we literally did tie one hand behind our military’s back, but that said, we are dealing with our own people at the end of the day.

If the republic had been any other country in the world harbouring terrorists to launch attacks so close to the mainland we’d have rinsed them.

Ireland is definitely not some third world bunch of animals…..there’s just no comparison imho 

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  On 17/08/2021 at 06:52, tatsblisters said:

I honestly believe now the taliban have no one to fight with in Afghanistan they will take the fight out of the country just by looking at them on clips on the news you just can't imagine them doing anything else bar fight. My other concern would be will they up heroine production now as a means to fund buying more arms and to fund terrorism on foreign soil. 


they never fought out there country mate ever it was supposed they was letting terrorist groups al queda have a safe haven there 

and they will likely  stop opium production like they did the last time they was in power  that’s likely one a the reasons we went in the northern alliance who we supported got it back up and running on a massive scale 


We fought 2 opium wars mate history books tells us this but they don’t say when the uk stopped dealing in it do they ? ?

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