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I'm just about to make some more boxes and as we've just started to get a pair of goldfinches visit the garden regularly it would be nice to make one they will use.


I can find guidlines for entrance size for most birds but not goldies.


Anyone know ?

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  john b said:
I'm just about to make some more boxes and as we've just started to get a pair of goldfinches visit the garden regularly it would be nice to make one they will use.


I can find guidlines for entrance size for most birds but not goldies.


Anyone know ?

john i think you will find goldfinch dont use/nest boxes

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

John; I own a fair collection of Very old books on 'Bird Gardening'. Written by people who had the time, money and land to make a full time thing of it. Ye'd be amazed what Will use the right sort of nest box. But a wild Goldie? I'd eat my f*ckin hat! :icon_eek:


Never mind though. Have ye access to a hairy Dog or even a donkey? I have both and here's what I do: Every year, I set about Dog and donkey and give them a damn good combing out. Then I gather up all their loose hair and bag it. This I then thrust into the hedges here abouts.


Ye'd be amazed to watch the take up! Willow Warblers and Tits to my own 'resident' Goldies. They strip the stuff out and carry it away almost as fast as I can put it out there.


So, there ye go. Ye can't provide them with a bedroom. But ye can most certainly give them a good duvet ;)

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Your spot on there d-s. Our old bullmastiff used to be the worlds hairiest dog, every day i would get at least 3 ton of hair off him which would float around the garden. In the nest making season, loadsa birds would collect the hairs for their nests which was nice to see.

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  john b said:
I'm just about to make some more boxes and as we've just started to get a pair of goldfinches visit the garden regularly it would be nice to make one they will use.


I can find guidlines for entrance size for most birds but not goldies.


Anyone know ?

Gold Finches nest in a tree next to my shop and they always nest in a small tight fork, a nest made of my goats hair and wool with some moss, very pretty little nests. And yeh I dont think they nest in boxes. sharmon

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Blackbirds dont use nest boxes either John.


The tit family will,

House sparrows (try a terrace)

Robins, spotted flycathers and the old dunnock will also.


Tree creapers also occasionly use them.


Owls and Kestrals.




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In captivity i think blackies would use them, but in the wild i have never ever known it. I have never seen a dunnock use a nest box either and i have watched them alot....the wrens and tits will use nest boxes to roost in....... :thumbs:


treecreepers will only really take boxes if there is nothing else, even then they must have a small slit opening......nuthatches, on the other hand seem to take to them with ease......so im told.... :thumbs:


good luck....

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

JB; For Blackbirds, just supply a small, square ledge in an accessable outbuilding. There are other methods of improving natural spots for them. If I ever get time and have a mind for it and / or percieve a demand here, I'll scan some stuff from my library.


I actually harbour quite a rabid obsession about nest boxes. Been a bit preoccupied this last few years, but I'll unleash it again one of these days.

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