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Italian Greyhounds (and crosses)

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They aren't going to break a leg every time they run and are a lot tougher than they look. People think the same for whippets and that is laughable. Saying that I know a farmer who had an Italian grey and it was a very game little thing. It would try to take on roos and foxes nearly getting killed on occasion so he had to give it to a friend in town. They don't lack gameness but they aren't much use for hunting anything because of their build imo.

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They are a Toy breed. Useless for any hunting. Biggest health problem with them is breaking their legs jumping off the sofa. If you want a "mini greyhound" get a Whippet ? Cheers.

An Australian Borzoi, Im sure the owner won't mind me posting the pic, in fact, I think he may be a member on here; A UK Borzoi I judged at a show some years ago; Cheers.

Believe it or not, I will be more than likely jumped on , but this Italian stops plenty rabbits, it had plenty  of drive ,it’s crazy when it gets a scent but the same as last time this topic arose ,th

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  On 18/07/2021 at 00:02, Aussie Whip said:

They aren't going to break a leg every time they run and are a lot tougher than they look. People think the same for whippets and that is laughable. Saying that I know a farmer who had an Italian grey and it was a very game little thing. It would try to take on roos and foxes nearly getting killed on occasion so he had to give it to a friend in town. They don't lack gameness but they aren't much use for hunting anything because of their build imo.


do you think there would be any hope mixing one with a decent terrier?

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  On 18/07/2021 at 00:10, Scheme_Lakeland said:

thats a shame, will have to find some other way to get myself a running dog


What about a whippet/poodle. I'm serious, if the whippet was from workers they'd make a decent rabbit dog. Not sure about the allergy thing. My mrs is allergic to dog and cat hair but she had 20 plus pig dogs back in the day, depends on how allergic you are and how much you want to own dogs I suppose.

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  On 18/07/2021 at 00:56, Aussie Whip said:

What about a whippet/poodle. I'm serious, if the whippet was from workers they'd make a decent rabbit dog. Not sure about the allergy thing. My mrs is allergic to dog and cat hair but she had 20 plus pig dogs back in the day, depends on how allergic you are and how much you want to own dogs I suppose.


I’m n9t allergic at all but majority of my family are, Lakeland has been the perfect dog for us allergy wise and I’ve heard poodles are just as good, only issue would be trying to find a decent mix

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  On 17/07/2021 at 14:08, Scheme_Lakeland said:

I was out a wander with the pup yesterday and came across two beautiful retired greyhounds. I've always loved them and these are probably the first I've seen in person. 

Unfortunately, due to their size and the allergy problem we wouldn't ever be able to own greyhounds. We could have the smaller, hypoallergenic Italian greyhounds though. Are they any use at catching anything? I've heard they're fragile, could this be fixed by breeding them with a hardier dog like a terrier or similar? 


Bit fine for me.

if you cross em to add a bit of bone , you might as well have 

a working whippet ?

ATB Tony

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  On 18/07/2021 at 01:16, Scheme_Lakeland said:

I’m n9t allergic at all but majority of my family are, Lakeland has been the perfect dog for us allergy wise and I’ve heard poodles are just as good, only issue would be trying to find a decent mix


So why don’t you buy a bedlington terrier dog as they are better than a poodle then get ya self a whippet bitch,so you can breed your own little rabbit dog bush dog.At least with the beddie your allergy thing is sorted.

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Why not just keep a dog in a kennel if it’s for working or pet if you or your family have allergies to shedding dogs. Beddys ain’t supposed to shed as such an supposed to be ok for allergy sufferers but when you cross dogs ie Lurchers or mongrels there one nor the other of what there crossed with so you could still end up with shedding.

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  On 17/07/2021 at 23:09, Scheme_Lakeland said:

ive heard that too, that a tolerance can build from living with an animal from when its very young but never wanted to risk testing it 


And get the docs to prescribe you fexofenadine 180mg. I have the worst haydever you've ever seen if I don't have these tablets I'm like a myxi rabbit in half hour one tablet sees me 3 days 

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My two Penney’s is I’ve seen several threads of the op and to save you wasted time an money don’t bother

i went through a faze of weird an wonderful cross breeds for bushing an none panned out well 

If you really want to go ahead buy a whippet an use some form of antihistamines or what ever anti allergy meds you can .least your get good chance of a rabbit an ratter .

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