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  On 13/07/2021 at 21:24, Gospel said:

Some are mate correct but a lot have everything they want and need 

plus kids see and watch and it gives them an understanding 

What about kids never see parents an hour a day mate ?staying at school going early staying at clubs after does them no good mate ?


Now that is a decent common sense post and we are in total agreement on your last paragraph ?

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That just screams England, council estate…..millionaire motor ! Lol  Fur coat, no knickers ! Lol  

No they f***ing don’t, most of the poor little fuckers are living in a tip of an area, dealing with day to day shit no kid should have to deal with and having no kind of childhood whatsoever ! Th

Going pick up new motor today   e class amg line diesel 

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  On 13/07/2021 at 21:39, Rusty2 said:

Your right there lol great example for the kids that getting to stay off school and see them scrounger parents meanwhile this kids stuck at school and getting to goto after school activities and hobbies are suffering lol your heads totally pickled



?the kids go to school mate but get up get breakfast with a parent took by a parent 

afterschool activities lol kids love that rather be there then home and with mates playing lol get a grip 

plus grandparents they see everyday other family cousins etc 

get proper food cooked for them get bathed put to bed 

One parent isn’t always there but home for half 5 say 


or you both can graft 12 hours 14 by the time you get there back feed the kids shite let someone else bring them up leave them with who ever will have them

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  On 13/07/2021 at 21:21, Gospel said:

Lol ye mate no junkies in the sticks get a grip ? 

how the faack is moving away to sticks more out a life ?? I’ll say this mam dad never seeing kids working all hours for an holiday here there spend time with kids thinking that’s the way it’s a materialist way mate and kids suffer I think 


socks mate ? I’ll say no more I’ll get banned ? 




Is that seriously how you believe everyone in the sticks lives lol. The smog has frazzled your brain cells big lad. 

Aye there's junkies in the sticks but I don't have to live the other side of a 4 inch wall from them lol or worry about a load of Chavy wee cnuts stealing my car.


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  On 13/07/2021 at 21:56, dogmandont said:

Is that seriously how you believe everyone in the sticks lives lol. The smog has frazzled your brain cells big lad. 

Aye there's junkies in the sticks but I don't have to live the other side of a 4 inch wall from them lol or worry about a load of Chavy wee cnuts stealing my car.



I was one a  them little chavvies  with the cars  ? easy to take from the road side bk then 

I’m close to fiElds sticks mate ?

now they out in the sticks burgling for the keys even worse 

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  On 13/07/2021 at 22:13, Rusty2 said:

I'm off. 

Between covid being a hoax and the evidence of it being "turn off tv".  joe rogan telling folk carbohydrates are poisoning the body and now kids are better off in poverty surrounded by smackheads 

Everyday you come on and it just gets more ridiculous. I honestly starting to believe there is a conspiracy to send me crazy. 

I'll leave you all to the madness thanks. 


Lol so all kids on estates are in poverty ? 

smackheads all old finished mate very few about now 

I’ll leave COVID to you mate no 5 tested positive this week at  work sniffles for a few day still went out to watch football in pubs etc 

I eat carbs just not veg can’t stand it never have ? 

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  On 13/07/2021 at 22:13, Gospel said:

I was one a  them little chavvies  with the cars  ? easy to take from the road side bk then 

I’m close to fiElds sticks mate ?

now they out in the sticks burgling for the keys even worse 


Doesn't surprise me one bit dude. 

Council House, no job, caravan out front, couple Salukis out the back lol. 

Your living the fcukin dream big lad. Lol. 


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  On 13/07/2021 at 22:23, dogmandont said:

Doesn't surprise me one bit dude. 

Council House, no job, caravan out front, couple Salukis out the back lol. 

Your living the fcukin dream big lad. Lol. 



Lol i only had me old lady mate she grafted none stop i did what kids do amused me self ?

I was grafting at 12 mate did me apprenticeship at 16 ? different trades ? 

You don’t know what I have mate lol and  no caravan at the minute ?

the Salukis are right like lol 

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  On 13/07/2021 at 22:01, WILF said:

Parenting is a conundrum for everyone.

Most folks just do their best and what they think is right.



Can't do much else mate, 90% of people do their best in the circumstances they have...

I'm sure we've all seen a bit of both sides, so doing your best for the kids and changing the cycle is the best you can do... regardless if your on an estate or out in the country parenting is giving kids your time first and foremost in my book...

Edited by NEWKID
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  On 13/07/2021 at 21:47, Gospel said:

?the kids go to school mate but get up get breakfast with a parent took by a parent 

afterschool activities lol kids love that rather be there then home and with mates playing lol get a grip 

plus grandparents they see everyday other family cousins etc 

get proper food cooked for them get bathed put to bed 

One parent isn’t always there but home for half 5 say 


or you both can graft 12 hours 14 by the time you get there back feed the kids shite let someone else bring them up leave them with who ever will have them


Mate it’s not the 1980s I grew up on a notorious estate and 40 years back it was much as you see it,my daughter is now an assistant head at a school  in a huge council estate, she goes to work every day through all the lockdowns etc to protect the kids from sitting at home watching mum and dad jacking up or witnessing domestic violence every day, the days when people watched out for each other and your neighbours had your back are a thing of the past, sorry to say ??

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  On 13/07/2021 at 23:25, NEWKID said:

Can't do much else mate, 90% of people do their best in the circumstances they have...

I'm sure we've all seen a bit of both sides, so doing your best for the kids and changing the cycle is the best you can do... regardless if your on an estate or out in the country parenting is giving kids your time first and foremost in my book...


Exactly kev, most precious thing you can give is time and regardless of situation we can all afford a few hours to make sure they're doing right can't we. 

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  On 14/07/2021 at 08:04, Greyman said:

Mate it’s not the 1980s I grew up on a notorious estate and 40 years back it was much as you see it,my daughter is now an assistant head at a school  in a huge council estate, she goes to work every day through all the lockdowns etc to protect the kids from sitting at home watching mum and dad jacking up or witnessing domestic violence every day, the days when people watched out for each other and your neighbours had your back are a thing of the past, sorry to say ??


Same as the estate I grew up on and the estate that shares our kids school Greyman, actually several more in fact. ALOT of kids went school through the lockdowns but not because they had 'keyworker' parents but because if they didn't go school half wouldn't get a proper meal and the other half would have to see things no kid should see let alone 24/7

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