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ferret bedding?

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what does everyone prefer to bed their ferrets on? ive used shavings and straw in the past but find that the shavings get wet and soggy quick. ferrets tend to drink their fill then play in the rest of their water. the last few times ive used hemp bedding that i bed the horses on and they seem to stay drier a lot longer and smell fresher. ive also used it in the chicken shed and it works well for them too. i pay about the same as i paid for shavings but it lasts a lot lot longer. any other ideas or any reasons why hemp might not be a good idea?

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i cover the bottom of my ferrets eating area with the stuff mechanics use for small oil spills so if any water is spilled its suked up in no time then there is no dampness , i also work with the same in his shit house then just change the sheet everyday , but that aside yeh that special stuff on the floor not sure of the name then i just fill it up with straw / hay but he seems to gain abit of a smell with him , paper shreddings work ok for me but i dont have a shredder so i just use hay all the time

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have tried the bottles on the outside of the cage but dogs knock em off and inside the ferrets do the same. have ended up with pot water bowls which double up as splash pool. how comfy do hammocked ferrets look? my 10 year old wants me to free some kennel space to make hers a des res hammocks n all!

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