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Tesco Fukin hate it.......job want to be Chippy or Game keeper or rugby player


I'm training to be a carpenter at the moment, absolutley love it... if you can find an apprenticeship do it... or go to college and work hard :angel: , get the lecturers on your side, and they'll put the oppurtunities your way if you are willing to do the work and wont make them look like tossers... :D


Same here. its my second career, used to run a marketing company which made me shit loads of money but i hated it!!! The only thing i would change is the hours, there just are not enough of them to go round between work, missus, dogs, shooting etc! i love the job though which is the main thing :thumbs:

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I was a plasterer untill about 4 months ago. On the sick due to bad knees until I can get them sorted, then I'm going to retrain as I can't hack going up and down ladders & stepladders any more. :(

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This reminds me of 'Arthur'... :laugh: I'm a retired astronaut now a gynaecologist and in my spare time I race cars...Well close!...I'm semi retired due to redundancy, now I dabble but do mainly fencing and landscape gardening. Fecking love it, three/four day week nine/ten months a year :drink:

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Rural pest controler and part time gamekeeper, maybe looking to change though, it is SO last year !!!!!.


Only joking, unless one of you lot who want to change jobs, would like to buy a up and running business ?. :big_boss:

How much?

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Run a small building firm ,well when i say small ,its just me really and other labour when i need it! .I work to live ,not live to work and get out as often as i can possibly get away .Money means f'all to me but good dogs and a straight shooting rifle are everything .Should never have walked away from the keepers job but thats life and another story :censored:

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im a stalking ghillie and i love it because ive got acsess to ove 20.000 acres and a company pickup, quad and argo cat and i get paid £15 pound for shooting foxes and £1 for crows rabbits and pigeons

also my guns are half paid for by the estate and my ammo is paid for in full

i guess u could say i have a pretty good job

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im a stalking ghillie and i love it because ive got acsess to ove 20.000 acres and a company pickup, quad and argo cat and i get paid £15 pound for shooting foxes and £1 for crows rabbits and pigeons

also my guns are half paid for by the estate and my ammo is paid for in full

i guess u could say i have a pretty good job

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