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4 hours ago, mC HULL said:

? so you can get banned on here for calling lads liars ? ? 

Think lads on here a like whippets not got thick enough skin ? 

Got a ban once for telling some silly prick to bucket his unwanted pups...2 weeks after he started a thread asking how too keep them separate because bitch was in season?kid you not McHull...got to learn to play the game son??

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Seriously now Brothers...?  Sometimes, we all 'cop the needle' over the silliest of remarks,...words uttered by complete strangers, and often by guys who are on a completely different wave length

That's the point fellah,...you don't mess about with the ferrets, and we don't run the big land, with purpose bred coursing dogs,.but, we all have a voice on the Hunting Life....      

Well, I am relieved that you are not going to go the other route with me fellah,.. you sound as though you are a bit of a desperado,...and at my time of life, I don't need to mess with a tough guy lik

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33 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

Got a ban once for telling some silly prick to bucket his unwanted pups...2 weeks after he started a thread asking how too keep them separate because bitch was in season?kid you not McHull...got to learn to play the game son??

?worse then me that mate i couldnt bucket a dog in good order lol damaged not right as a newborn then has to be done 

8 month old o so thats a bit rough mate ? 


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Not one single person reported you mC, it was me and only me....

I never 'banned' you either, i issued you with a couple of warning points, which gave you a couple of days off.

If you want to know why, its because it was all getting a bit much, repetitive and would eventually lead to unrest and fighting. I enjoy the banter mC but you've got neither an off swtich nor another channel sometimes.

So all i ask is that you enjoy the site and contribute, as i'm sure you have plenty to offer. ?

Oh, and as for Rudeboy, unless i've missed sommat, i warned him directly about the way he posts but didn't issue warning points. Though as Tomo has mentioned, i believe he has sent a few unpleasant pm's to lads on the site but he's still here...

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21 minutes ago, Bosun11 said:

Not one single person reported you mC, it was me and only me....

I never 'banned' you either, i issued you with a couple of warning points, which gave you a couple of days off.

If you want to know why, its because it was all getting a bit much, repetitive and would eventually lead to unrest and fighting. I enjoy the banter mC but you've got neither an off swtich nor another channel sometimes.

So all i ask is that you enjoy the site and contribute, as i'm sure you have plenty to offer. ?

Oh, and as for Rudeboy, unless i've missed sommat, i warned him directly about the way he posts but didn't issue warning points. Though as Tomo has mentioned, i believe he has sent a few unpleasant pm's to lads on the site but he's still here...

?thanks mate 

Hello Hitler lol sorry mein fuhrer ? 

Don't let the mod status go to your head mate ? ?

I can take lads pics off me dart board now and put hitlers up  ? ???

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8 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

Lucky I’m not a mod or all you Dunlop wearing salkuki chasing day walkers be banned ?

?can't beat um ban um ? I'd ban anyone works around sheep and anyone Welsh  ? 

Apart from me pal rudeboy ? ? he's a laugh a min 

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12 minutes ago, sandymere said:

i don't know, getting banned, different accounts warning points ? tut tut, you lot are a rowdy bunch of ner do wells.....

i do worry as to your futures......?

Ner do wells id definitely ban you sandy ? 


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