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Any ideas what happened here...???

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Ah, right thanks. Never thought about the Heron strike.. probably a miss ID then on the Herons part if that was the case.

How big to Pike get over here then?? Would another behemoth bad boy tackle that 2 footer.. as in to actually eat the fuker??

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If it were another pike there would multiple lacerations in two places, one for each jaw. It it were a catfish there would be large areas of scale loss and fin damage. The wound doesn't look like an otter bite either as that has two jaws and there would be another wound below.

Herons strike large fish through the back bone to kill it. Then if it is small enough they will swallow it head first. If not, they leave it and look for something else.

Pike out here grow to roughly the same size as in the UK. France is on the fringe of their range. Colder countries have the biggest pike.


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