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What’s people’s preferred cross for a rabbit dog!

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? I know you are not too keen on the Blue Merles,..so I always fetch one along, just to annoy ya? The wee bitch that you might have seen run, one or two shushis, would be Angel.. I remember,

just for lamping I'd go for a pure whippet, for daytime bushing/ferreting i'd add a bit of beddy/grey but keep it 3/4 sighthound.  Beddy/whippet X grey, 23 inches, basically a bred down grew with

Would have to agree with you TOMO?  Facts are, IF...you can get a fast type to slow down, use his head, instead of his muscles, then the quarry is half way into the bag. You have proved it yourse

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8 hours ago, LamperNM said:

Until you decide to lamp the 3/4 whippet on stoney moorland type of land 

They do have their limits, I only ferret and do daytime. I think they need to know where their feet are going and only avoid injury because of their light build and agility. If I got into spotlighting I'd get a sturdier type.

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On 29/06/2021 at 22:04, OldPhil said:

Would have to agree with you TOMO? 

Facts are, IF...you can get a fast type to slow down, use his head, instead of his muscles, then the quarry is half way into the bag. You have proved it yourself with your coursing bred jukel that took to the Dales like a duck to water..

 Super fast dogs on rough ground, can be an accident waiting to happen, but, IF they twig onto the rabbit business and can adjust their God-given , natural talents and pure physicality to run sensibly, they really are nie-on perfect for the job?

 Because of the varied type of pest control work, that has been my employment for several decades, I have chosen to keep and breed, working dogs that are more akin to herders, than genuine running dogs.  My curs are not exactly speedy or physically gifted from an athletically muscular point of view, but they all have that inbred quality that as a paid controller of rural pests, I value most highly,..they are, adaptable...?

I can take my dogs anywhere in the UK after the conies, and they might not match a local hero, but they will always do their best....However,...I have, in the past kept far superior animals, much on the lines of the fabulous speedsters that TOMO describes,..and there is no denying the fact that it is a great feeling to be armed,..to the teeth, with a capably canine pal.? 

Go careful now Brothers, and stay safe.?


Dusty retrieve_9002.JPG

A interesting overview sir ,and I would have to agree, the first 3 inches coupled to speedy or physically gifted dog is one that gets the job done ,no matter where that might be .A dog that's knocked up all the time ,while breath taking to watch, quickly becomes a liability ,due to huge amounts of time spent out of action .As the saying goes "time is money" and since I also make my living off ,the backs of my dogs ,I need them out in the field for me to do so ,anything less doesn't work for me ,nor does huge vet bills .


Edited by toolebox
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