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Anyone run beddy/grey x collie/greys,,?

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Old Moocher was a Beddy/Grey x Collie/Grey....?  He was a real honest dog and an amazing retriever,...he fetched everything straight back to hand, even dragged a few larger bits and pieces back..

?Yep,..the Beddy influence was extremely strong; I found it created an incredibly determined prey drive in a lurcher. Our dog Solo, was deadly on the Roe,...once he was locked on to their vapour trail


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  On 22/06/2021 at 11:29, moonlighter said:

Not anymore, but these were bred that way. I loved them, but I was only young at the time and I didn’t really realise how good they were. 



Nice types you don’t see many about of this cross anymore I have one just a first season bitch hoping she does as well this year 

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Old Moocher was a Beddy/Grey x Collie/Grey....?

 He was a real honest dog and an amazing retriever,...he fetched everything straight back to hand, even dragged a few larger bits and pieces back..?

The fecker started off badly,..I don't know why?

 I schooled him proper and he had speed to burn, but was a tad excitable....and this is always the precursor of trouble...

However, I did manage to cure him ,..mostly by running and running , and fecking running that silly shite noisiness, right out of his system....?

 Lovely kind-hearted and manageable cross,...I liked him so much, I gifted him to a close friend....?


Edited by OldPhil
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  On 22/06/2021 at 12:28, OldPhil said:

Old Moocher was a Beddy/Grey x Collie/Grey....?

 He was a real honest dog and an amazing retriever,...he fetched everything straight back to hand, even dragged a few larger bits and pieces back..?

The fecker started off badly,..I don't know why?

 I schooled him proper and he had speed to burn, but was a tad excitable....and this is always the precursor of trouble...

However, I did manage to cure him ,..mostly by running and running , and fecking running that silly shite noisiness, right out of his system....?

 Lovely kind-hearted and manageable cross,...I liked him so much, I gifted him to a close friend....?



I think the collie and beddy blood goes well together.. energy to burn and a coat coat to go with it how tall is he 

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  On 22/06/2021 at 13:09, poxon said:

Yes mate I run beddy collie cross out of home bred stuff but more beddy than collie handy dogs i rate the cross??I Know a few people that run the cross 



They can fill a freezer that’s for sure.. I have a bitch she is only small 22 1/2 inches but does me well so far how tall is this dog I love the coats on them the beddy and collie does add a good coat to them 


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Had a bitch very similarly bred, and almost marked exactly the same, to poxon's bitch, the pied dam to the one in the above pic.  Was maturing into a fantastic bitch, until some lowlife scum stole her from my garden, whilst I was at work!  

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  On 22/06/2021 at 15:15, poxon said:

Few beddy collie xs 








The pied bitch, that's the one mate.  I remember telling you about her before.  I think there was a little bit more collie than bedlington in the bitch I owned, than yours.  Was turning into a very useful bitch, and we had a good bond.  Dogthieving scum put paid to what might've been though, sadly!  ?

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  On 22/06/2021 at 16:35, shaaark said:

The pied bitch, that's the one mate.  I remember telling you about her before.  I think there was a little bit more collie than bedlington in the bitch I owned, than yours.  Was turning into a very useful bitch, and we had a good bond.  Dogthieving scum put paid to what might've been though, sadly!  ?


That pied bitch didn’t make what I wanted she was a brilliant little dog very loyal and  obedient I think I could of competed with her competitively if that was my thing.she was a good rabbit catcher an the odd shot hare but didn’t offer me no more than that she had no heart.  she had a toe injury that played up a bit. I put her in a pet home never to be bred out off with a family member they think I’m a mad fecker they couldn’t get there head round how such a obedient dog was looking for a pet home till I pointed out what I needed from a working dog or wanted.first dog ive ever rehomed normally there with me for life but things have changed with my thinking I felt this bitch could offer more as a pet than be sat in my kennel being waisted 

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  On 22/06/2021 at 17:12, poxon said:

That pied bitch didn’t make what I wanted she was a brilliant little dog very loyal and  obedient I think I could of competed with her competitively if that was my thing.she was a good rabbit catcher an the odd shot hare but didn’t offer me no more than that she had no heart.  she had a toe injury that played up a bit. I put her in a pet home never to be bred out off with a family member they think I’m a mad fecker they couldn’t get there head round how such a obedient dog was looking for a pet home till I pointed out what I needed from a working dog or wanted.first dog ive ever rehomed normally there with me for life but things have changed with my thinking I felt this bitch could offer more as a pet than be sat in my kennel being waisted 


Some nice types poxon

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