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Mask wearing ???

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4 minutes ago, sid g said:

how did he know the silly fooker wher`nt going to stab him . if a complete stranger did it to you in the street you`d probly chin him ....

Probably cos they was white if they was black then good chance he would of got cut 

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I think a lot of it is a massive farce but as a 36 year old bloke, I’m not standing in a que next to an old woman who’s all masked up etc, whilst I’ve got no mask on and it is probably making her feel

i recon him repeatedly getting knocked out .....probably put paid to that...lol 

only when i go in a shop

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14 minutes ago, WILF said:

I don’t think we are quiet at the roughing up old boys and frightening the fecking life out of them stage yet are we mate ?........bloody hell, if we ain’t better than that what are we better than ? 

I never said I agreed with their behaviour. And I certainly am not a fan of the 'slap everyone in sight' lad culture. 

I viewed the short clip. Press charges if it was such a big issue, I assume it wasn't. What charges could be pressed? 

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Just now, sid g said:

i was in a bar last week as a guest for its opening some silly fooker was on his knees blowing up a gals short skirt very funny for his mates , but none of em liked it when a doorman stood on his hand by accident ,,,

That’s exactly it, what f*cking right does he have to do that, or think he does. If that were your Mrs, daughter, sister etc you’d be extremely angry. And that should be same for any woman. It’s a messed up culture! 

When I was younger I can honestly say I’ve rarely got into a fight over me, or cos I’ve taken offence about something said to me or whatever, occasionally but not often. However I used to be pretty bad for stepping into situation with other folk, usually seeing girls getting hassled and not being able to not Wade in ? occasionally not welcome but mostly very welcome. Almost got myself into some serious trouble over the years ? I remember putting a cigarette out in some lads face in a taxi queue and hitting him with a trash bin, after watching him grope some poor lass and laugh at her. Didn’t know the girl, but we fled together in a taxi ..... back to mine. Kind of proving you don’t get the hot girl by being a twat to her, something you think folk would have learnt in school! 

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4 minutes ago, Neobliviscaris1776 said:

Exactly, what's there to complain about if you won't even stand up for yourself. Did he sustain any injuries?

Not everyone can stand up for themselves ..... does that mean it’s ok to bully people weaker and smaller than you? We live in a bully bit culture where you have to be ‘careful’ correcting bullies unless they batter you. Just like you got to be ‘careful’ going into pikie camps to get your stolen stuff back cos they might batter you ........ sad times .....

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Agreed gents?

The main difference, which I think is important to remember, is that with positions of power come responsibility. 

Do such things happen to your average Joe daily? Yes. Does it make it right? No.

They were clearly having a go at Whitty because he was Whitty, a man on the Tele not just a random bloke. Think it shows how naive many in the public lime light are that they think that they can just go by making 'monumental decisions' that effect millions of people lives and think they can just navigate through the crowd once it's 5pm and time for home. I would make sure I had a bodyguard in such a position without a doubt. 

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10 minutes ago, SheepChaser said:

That’s exactly it, what f*cking right does he have to do that, or think he does. If that were your Mrs, daughter, sister etc you’d be extremely angry. And that should be same for any woman. It’s a messed up culture! 

When I was younger I can honestly say I’ve rarely got into a fight over me, or cos I’ve taken offence about something said to me or whatever, occasionally but not often. However I used to be pretty bad for stepping into situation with other folk, usually seeing girls getting hassled and not being able to not Wade in ? occasionally not welcome but mostly very welcome. Almost got myself into some serious trouble over the years ? I remember putting a cigarette out in some lads face in a taxi queue and hitting him with a trash bin, after watching him grope some poor lass and laugh at her. Didn’t know the girl, but we fled together in a taxi ..... back to mine. Kind of proving you don’t get the hot girl by being a twat to her, something you think folk would have learnt in school! 

Hope she platted your hair before she left! 

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24 minutes ago, SheepChaser said:

Apparently so. Not so much these days, I think I look a bit more weather beaten and scarier. But when I was a bit younger, had it happen lots of times. Usually waiting at the bar or whatever, some lad who his mates, usually football type, come up and grab my hair and make some daft comment about me being a girl and the usual weeeeey lads lads lads type shit. 

Mind you that’s tame. When I was younger I had at least two or three occasions where I got spat at, and my Mrs at the time got spat at / on, because I had long hair etc and was a bit alternative. Not a goth or owt, just a bit left of centre. 

It’s the same culture I guess which grabs a girls ass in a club, or whatever, thinking they are being funny. When I used to run a couple Of clubs (in a past life before farming), it was a real issue to start, lads hassling girls, being grabby, even shoving hands down their trousers and stuff. We stamped it out effectively and quite quickly, give a few words to the security on the door and asked a few mates of mine to attend ...... sober and let them correct those type of lads how they saw fit ? very quickly got a reputation as a place to go and enjoy music and have some fun and not get hassled by drongos ? 



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1 minute ago, lurcherman 887 said:

Hope she platted your hair before she left! 

In all honesty mate I remember the lad more than the lass ? such is life, I’m sure she was ok ? I was a bit of a monumental twat when I was younger ? 



I’ve perfected it now ....... ? 

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Just now, Rusty2 said:

Yep seen a few comment and links saying covid isn't real and masks are harmful.

It's been done this mate, plenty already been said on the subject. Many are happy to voice there concerns and all sides of the debate around the global pandemic. However personally, once I researched the testing process and what a PCR test is and how it works and how it can be made to be extremely sensitive depending on what 'cycle setting' it is set( which differs from country to country) then it's logical to ask why is this system being used?

The inventor of the PCR test said it what not a test that could diagnosis Corona viruses as it can be easily manipulated, which he feared would be how it would be used. He died I think it was October/November of 2019, just before the pandemic hit. Conclude what you want. Why hold a strong opinion on anything if you don't know how the basic testing even works? 

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