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Bedlington x whippet taking fox?

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Better dogs out there for that job beddy whippets will try some can an will succeed but it’s more of a fight it out slog than job done clean an quick no point in getting little dogs chewed up 

19tts beddy whippet 2nd cross more than capable  

And your pitting 30kg saluki hybrids against a little puney fcukin hare to plod the fcuking thing into the ground and kill it with sheer fcukin boredom. ???? Leave the foxing lurchers to those th

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Both took fox regular, both had beddy whippet in there maker up 21 and 22tts. Father and son.

The black dog was a very very good fox dog however he had a drop of bull in his make up. But he killed alot of foxes single and it didn't take him long either

Black and tan dog did struggle with a few due to his size etc but he would stick with them no matter until he had dispatched it.

Moved onto bigger dogs for a reason as its bloody hard work for these little dogs if your out few times a week taking fox.

In saying that if there are used for fox work they will develop there own style.

Dogs for jobs comes to mind and now im a fair bit older and wiser (i think) id never look to use little dogs for fox work as big dogs do it better.


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  On 17/06/2021 at 13:03, W. Katchum said:

Most little dogs will pick an choose there grab tho to minimise risk of a face full, them big dogs don’t care an grab first chance an keep till job done, it’s like comparing a whippet that can run for a minute in a hare an catch a few or salkuki’s that are gonna stick with them longer an through more pain but get more ?


Its funny looking at some a them big uns mate especially when you know the difference between scars from fox and cats mate ??

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  On 17/06/2021 at 12:29, mC HULL said:

We not on about my dogs mate but terrier whippets not been capable  ? 


Not all terrier whippets struggle, it all depends on the individual dog. If foxes were my thing they wouldn't be my cross of choice though, I'd want something bigger.

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You are right there Katchum?

I am not a fan of the hybrid myself,...unless the end result has the big old jaw of an old style Beddy, and the Whippet half is one of those chunky, big barrel chested feckers...? I've enjoyed watching these 30/35 pounders break a bush in half when they scent a vulpine....

I was once out with some digging lads and they had a strong rough coated Beddy lurcher. It wasn't much of a size, but had a kind of strange seriousness about its demeanour...?

When a fox bolted from an earth, the dog rolled it in about twenty yards...

It was straight onto the throat. 

 I said to to lads "Get the dog off, I think I just saw another one come up the mouth of the hole. It want's out"...

I watched as the boys tried to detach this choker off its fox ..

Honestly brothers, they were pathetic and obviously did not know how to break a dog off its quarry,...so I flung a net over the bury and ran over to,...take over...?

?Well, feck me,..I could not get this dog to release his grip....the fox was dead , but the Beddy wasn't convinced. 

 Just then, another fox hit the net and instantly became meshed up.

The little lurcher saw the animal and letting go of his first catch, latched straight onto the next fecker...!  

The same scenario was played out..

I had learned my lesson,...so we waited until the fox went limp,...and trust me,..it was not a long wait...

 Yes, I don't really like the wimpy type of Beddy/Whippet,...but some of the stronger examples, can definitely kill a fox.....?


Edited by OldPhil
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  On 17/06/2021 at 13:08, Tyla said:

Not all terrier whippets struggle, it all depends on the individual dog. If foxes were my thing they wouldn't be my cross of choice though, I'd want something bigger.


I know wheaten cmx whippets capable mate seen it ? 

Is it needed  a big strong bull x for a little skinny fox bit overkill no 

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  On 17/06/2021 at 13:11, mC HULL said:

I know wheaten cmx whippets capable mate seen it ? 

Is it needed  a big strong bull x for a little skinny fox bit overkill no 


So let me get this right ? all of the dedicated foxing lads are wrong abs should be running either saluki xs or whippet xs ? And the only reason they run bull xs is because they are stupid or want to look hard? ? 

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  On 17/06/2021 at 13:14, SheepChaser said:

So let me get this right ? all of the dedicated foxing lads are wrong abs should be running either saluki xs or whippet xs ? And the only reason they run bull xs is because they are stupid or want to look hard? ? 


Whippet x saluki to be precise ??? the ultimate hare and foxing dog 

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It’s like them folk we all know, who there’s no point arguing with it giving an opinion to, because they are always right and just end up giving you a headache, so you just nod and make agreeing noises while looking for an escape route. Because everyone does this, those kind of people go about, thinking they are always right ? 

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  On 17/06/2021 at 13:11, mC HULL said:

I know wheaten cmx whippets capable mate seen it ? 

Is it needed  a big strong bull x for a little skinny fox bit overkill no 


Its not my usual choice of quarry but if it was I'd choose a bigger dog simply because once it's caught I want it over as quickly as possible

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