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Saluki's and their crosses.

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Rambo, 10 months old ready to start learning his job over the spring 

My rabbiting bitch . Keeps me happy

Right,I'll tell ye this ,once only,....cause I don't bother with the horseshit shovelled out in these pathetic debates,Katchum came with another bloke,he transported back 6 of the pups to England ,he

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Just now, mC HULL said:

known for injury mate ? these are getting knocks from a pup 

you will get ones that get injured now and again break things they get pts or petted off because they are like bone china you don’t wants these about you there born weak mate 

Lets hope them pups of yours stay injury free then otherwise you'll be lineing that vet of yours pocket ? 

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11 minutes ago, Bangersanmash said:

Meaning your wet behind the ears lol

i aren’t the one babying a dog mate wrapping it up in cotton wool then wondering why they get injured ? 

you’ve got the most handy running dog there is and your worrying thinking it’s weak ? your head would be done in running a whippet 



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Each to their own, folk have different methods of entering lurchers just like they do with the terriers. 

All this wait until they're 2 years old or what not is way too long for me, if they're ready you tend to know when they're ready. 


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7 minutes ago, Greb147 said:

I'd be just worried about it being a longer run than is comfortable. 

My collie cross caught his first at around 10 months old but I doubt it was a strong winter hare. 

If the hare was up and gone then it won't do any harm. 

I don't think I could ever hold a dog back until it's 14 months old though tbh. 

It’s called restraint ask mc he can’t find it lol 

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8 minutes ago, Greb147 said:

I'd be just worried about it being a longer run than is comfortable. 

My collie cross caught his first at around 10 months old but I doubt it was a strong winter hare. 

If the hare was up and gone then it won't do any harm. 

I don't think I could ever hold a dog back until it's 14 months old though tbh. 

You could mate when you've had 30 years of having dogs an first 5 of them learning an not taking knowledge of men that have been where I was at the time. You learn the hard way when you don't take knowledge in but hay thats life. 

Edited by Bangersanmash
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5 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

i aren’t the one babying a dog mate wrapping it up in cotton wool then wondering why they get injured ? 

you’ve got the most handy running dog there is and your worrying thinking it’s weak ? your head would be done in running a whippet 



You sure you not living in Chicago all the killing going on 25 on lamp 250 under its belt you sure hares get 5 mins to breed or if one might happen to get lucky and drop , your all over em in March now we got April in the mix ffs it’s like the killing fields ?

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2 minutes ago, juckler123 said:

Green lurchers and bangersofmash trust me an inch further or nearer I'd have not been putting it in my poke ???

I've had my fair share of cow shit. A once got chased through farmers out building an through farm by coppers. An a jumped off this wall an it was bollock out corner where all cow shit was pushed into. A was knee deep in the c**t lol.. A went home to mi mothers at the time with dog knee in shit an me shoe less ? What a f***ing night. That's why a started working land on a day so a can see where I'm going pal 

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5 minutes ago, juckler123 said:

Greb you have a lot to learn with all respect fella 

Why fella, by two year old some dogs have caught bags of hares just like some terriers have dug plenty of foxes by that age. 

When do you enter your dogs mate, not saying you're wrong, just curious. 

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