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? Personally,..I believe that the initial hybridisation twixt two different types , whilst being more than satisfactory for most enthusiasts, invariably tempt many of us to go to the next stage, and t

Here's a wee first X wheaten...out X by the greyhound side... But the out X was actually a granddaughter of original site... 13 months old broken to stock... First time out ferreting...bolted 8 she ca

What I did was I told you a story that’s true and there are other witnesses on here. The bitch in question caught all of those things, she was never ever a hare dog, she just had a big enough heart to

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  On 12/06/2021 at 20:05, OldPhil said:

? Personally,..I believe that the initial hybridisation twixt two different type , whilst being more than satisfactory for most enthusiasts, invariably temp many of us to go to the next stage, and try to produce, something better.

I've attempted to create a superior end-product on several occasions, but my results have not always been better than the first attempts. Yes, I've admittedly gone up a notch speed-wise and even in stature,..but, sometimes I've felt that it had been a bit of a waste of time.? The one thing that any sane and sensible running dog/lurcher enthusiast should always bear in mind, is that, we all have different requirements from our canine partners. 

It is not rocket science to acquire a particular style/breed of dog, if that is what you really want...

I've been privileged to walk out with some ultra -keen hunting ,men and their equally keen jukels, it's been great.?

Only a fool tries to compare one type of lurcher with another type of lurcher,...this is totally illogical?

Nowadays,...I only need a roustabout cur type,...anything far more high-powered would simply be a waste.

 My choice today is a wee Whippet sized, Collie greyhound kind of critter. 

I use this little to catch all manner of pests in a variety of situations , ranging from rats in factory units or even in customers front rooms, to flushing Foxes and various deer from Forestry blocks, towards waiting guns. She is more than capable of working under the spotlight and catching a nice bag of rabbits. Her main attribute is in finding conies in difficult areas such as commercial Green Houses , farmyards, etc. Obviously, she is a ferreting fanatic, like me?

The facts are, if I am charging a customer a nominal fee, it is imperative that I succeed, so a 100% genuine accurate mark is essential.. Without that valuable tip-off, I am frequently,.. proper fecked?

A few lads local to me enjoy a run on the hares and the Roe , so I pick up, on a few commercial driven game shoots during the season. The Keepers are a genuine bunch and kindly allow us to have a few days with our running dogs when the shooting season has finished.. Having spent a good portion of my youth being prosecuted and slapped around for freelancing and mouching,..it takes some getting used to, not having to look over my shoulder.

My life with lurchers has changed,...personally, I feel it for the better..

Enjoy your dogs lads,...while you still can..??




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  On 12/06/2021 at 20:09, mC HULL said:

sheepchaser i couldnt give a f**k who wants to know me and who thinks im a knob head 

im basing it on what i seen with me eyes its my opinion you didnt like it so asked yes or no am i a liar and didnt like that answer  either  

im giving my opinion that makes me a f***ing knob head i guess i must be 


He said you spoke abit camp and rolled ya eyes alot aswell mate

  • Haha 1
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  On 12/06/2021 at 20:03, mC HULL said:

seen few lads have em mate for woods etc seem handy tyoes for teeth etc especially things in fod ?


I heard of people doing stuff with them not every day or loads but that wouldn’t interest me .Nor would having a dog constantly banged it marked up . But watching a dog run through ancient open woodland say the fod for example on the heels of something is an adrenaline rush ?

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I don’t know why yous are getting a bee in ya bonnets just don’t reply and that’s ya answer solved.As the thread states what 1stx would you have any why and this has been ruined because yous are biting to easy.

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  On 12/06/2021 at 20:37, low plains drifter said:

A Smithfield collie cross greyhound because I want fresh hares and partridges with my super noodles after a hard days turkey driving


Ooh what about a Smithfield collie x deerhound 

now if only someone had a leggy hairy acrobatic lurcher type that  did somersaults .

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  On 12/06/2021 at 20:09, mC HULL said:

sheepchaser i couldnt give a f**k who wants to know me and who thinks im a knob head 

im basing it on what i seen with me eyes its my opinion you didnt like it so asked yes or no am i a liar and didnt like that answer  either  

im giving my opinion that makes me a f***ing knob head i guess i must be 


You seem to read what want to see. You're JUST like whin. I didn't call your dogs crap, and i didn't doubt anything you've said they have done. You asked me for my opinion and if id seen something. I told you my opinion and what I had seen. You called me a liar and an idiot, and when i took offence at that, tried to slag my dogs off. Regardless of your opinion, can you see why that would make me think you're a c*nt. No one thinks you're a c*nt for loving your salukis, or even thinking they are the best dogs in the world. But when you start calling anyone with a different opinion a liar and slagging off their dogs personally, if pretty much makes your opinion appear to be that of an idiot. You understand what i am saying????

What I asked you, is are you trying to say that i am lying about what i say I have seen one particular animal do with my own eyes???? 

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  On 12/06/2021 at 20:55, SheepChaser said:

You seem to read what want to see. You're JUST like whin. I didn't call your dogs crap, and i didn't doubt anything you've said they have done. You asked me for my opinion and if id seen something. I told you my opinion and what I had seen. You called me a liar and an idiot, and when i took offence at that, tried to slag my dogs off. Regardless of your opinion, can you see why that would make me think you're a c*nt. No one thinks you're a c*nt for loving your salukis, or even thinking they are the best dogs in the world. But when you start calling anyone with a different opinion a liar and slagging off their dogs personally, if pretty much makes your opinion appear to be that of an idiot. You understand what i am saying????

What I asked you, is are you trying to say that i am lying about what i say I have seen one particular animal do with my own eyes???? 


One particular animal that wasn't a first cross so is irrelevant to the discussion 

Thats 5/8 bull  stopped a good hare January on open land with law 

Tell me this mate how good can the hare  have been a 3/ 8 grey  wouldn't even bend one  ? 

Bags a rabbits you want me to believe that ? 

Is 5/8 bull its a dog a terrier man uses around a hole isn't it 

Not a winter hare killer with law 

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