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Hi, I’m John neice, I’ve just had this link sent to me by someone that knew my uncle.which may I add( thank you soo much) . words can’t describe how we’re feeling right now, but all your lovely commen

Having grown up with John he was a lifelong family friend, was best man at my Brothers wedding and a work colleague to myself for the last few years. As young kids our little gang spent god knows how

Walshie,  Can you change the comp title on here mate .. From now on its the "JohnnyBoy charity Fishing match"....  

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On 31/05/2021 at 04:15, mushroom said:

Sup that to him mate ?... I raised him a wee bit of single malt tonight, a couple of spliffs and a whole lot of love ?

Lifes' a hard and brutal thing.... as my grandma said to me, over my brothers grave (bitch! @ 87 years old and defo deserves her dues ?) "Only the good die young" Johnny will join Craigyboy, in the sense he'll bring different people together for the craic and charity and good things, i'm hoping the fishing comp will do what it was set up to do, give help and support, I'll get my ass over there for a bit of that ?

Night night mucker. 

The comps been nothing but a good thing from day 1 mate, the biggest fish cup was named after Craigyboy and now the comp will always be in memory of John. 

As a few lads have said there was no one like him for raising money on the auction, absolute worthless tat would be sold for 50 quid cause he'd get you all at it... my friends who own the fishery told some of their family to come down on the last night just to watch John perform.. ?.. its like he stored a whole year of piss taking for that one stint, everyone copped some...brilliant...

That pic of him with the wooden spoon, I made that...well I shoved a wooden spoon into a pot of plasticine lol... then we stitched it so he won it, its for the loser but with 8 or blanking it was shortest straw to decide ..was only ever gonna be John..lol 

Every year he'd tell me he still had that wooden spoon on display...lol



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Looking through some old photos when I met John, sat on the side of a hill in the Baltic cold with the hounds working away, John talking away and it took me a full 15 minutes to work out what he was saying......





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Well gents, a lovely, warm, respectful thread about a man who was obviously extremely well regarded by all those that knew him.

Well done men, bloody well done ? 

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Hi all, I'm John niece, just dropping in to say thank you everyone for all your lovely words and messages, us as a family are heartbroken from the sad news, I've seen a couple of people asking what have happened, John was in a bicycle accident on the 30th May, in the home town where he was living, I've set up a fund raising page on Facebook, the link have been put up, everything is up and running on there, once again thank you all for your lovely words and messaged John was a really loved person and knew so many people. ??? 

John Harris you are going to be missed. ???

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