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Comanche; I'll See your Phostoxin story, and Raise you a Strychnine one! (I mean; Let's see just how far down this disgusting rabbit hole we can go?)

Again, from ancient memory. This time, read as an historical account from an Australian Trap Collectors 'Club' Newsletter.

Genuinely hard to remember the details now. Sorry. But, these two arseholes were found sitting, stone dead, by the remains of a camp fire.

I'd imagine they were out after dogs. Either way, the gist is that they both had back packs on. Full of strychnine.

I don't know where the, " Blimey, mate! " starts. Or the " Fair dinkum! " ends. But, the upshot seems to have been that these brave road warriors had been caught in a rain.

Built a swift fire, to warm / dry themselves. Sat there as the wetted strychnine leached from their packs to their skin.

Frankly? That story is, to me, about as full of holes as the next kunt I ever find coming after my horse, in her stable.

I'd prefer to believe the little details were left out. like they were actually found with the backs of their heads reaching for their shit smothered arses. Lips pulled back in the biggest grin since Rolf got invited to a girls primary school party.

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Once pulled into a farmyard to see a bloke wearing shorts and a tee shirt precariously balenced  up a ladder  injecting Cymag into a wasps' nest  with a little brass hand pump that took both hands to

Cymag and Phostoxin are cruel and wicked potions....I've used both on rabbits (and other miscellaneous exotics) back in the day.?.. Thank God , I repented of my sins,...and went 100% 'natural'...

Phostoxin is a cruel way to kill any animal.....? Cymag  was not a lot better.. Alongside the dreaded Strychnine, I have used both of those two noxious gases,.. and I regret doing so...

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  On 03/06/2021 at 03:14, tilimangro said:

Watched an idiot from a far using cymag in the pissing rain when I was a teenager

i doubt he’s still with us


Once pulled into a farmyard to see a bloke wearing shorts and a tee shirt precariously balenced  up a ladder  injecting Cymag into a wasps' nest  with a little brass hand pump that took both hands to operate. 

 So no protective gear of any kind ,all alone , perched hands-free on an unsecure ladder dispensing a , by then,  illegal and rather dodgy chemical at less than an arms length into a nest-full of angry jaspers.

That could've been a dangerous situation.

It was OK though ; he  obviously knew what he was doing ,coz  he had his eyes screwed closed and had turned his face away from the nest  in the manner of a " Pray and Spray" AK 47 user.???


Edited by comanche
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like Phil i have used both in the past when i worked for a local pesty company.....thankfully its a long time ago...

but only last week on a rabbit control job ...i was digging a ferret out that had killed or bottled up a rabbit ....it was 3 foot down in pure sand ....and all of a sudden i got a familiar smell.... garlic then as i broke through to the tube i cleared out a patch of silvery sand.....and suddenly realised it was Broken up tablet of phostoxin ...fucks sake...

thankfully the gas had gone ...and the ferret was retrieved unharmed and a rabbit bolted from that small warren....but i wasnt happy....turns out it had been around a month prior thay had tried gassing

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  On 09/06/2021 at 12:04, TOMO said:

like Phil i have used both in the past when i worked for a local pesty company.....thankfully its a long time ago...

but only last week on a rabbit control job ...i was digging a ferret out that had killed or bottled up a rabbit ....it was 3 foot down in pure sand ....and all of a sudden i got a familiar smell.... garlic then as i broke through to the tube i cleared out a patch of silvery sand.....and suddenly realised it was Broken up tablet of phostoxin ...fucks sake...

thankfully the gas had gone ...and the ferret was retrieved unharmed and a rabbit bolted from that small warren....but i wasnt happy....turns out it had been around a month prior thay had tried gassing


Fckin hell. Bet you were fuming. 

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  On 09/06/2021 at 12:04, TOMO said:

like Phil i have used both in the past when i worked for a local pesty company.....thankfully its a long time ago...

but only last week on a rabbit control job ...i was digging a ferret out that had killed or bottled up a rabbit ....it was 3 foot down in pure sand ....and all of a sudden i got a familiar smell.... garlic then as i broke through to the tube i cleared out a patch of silvery sand.....and suddenly realised it was Broken up tablet of phostoxin ...fucks sake...

thankfully the gas had gone ...and the ferret was retrieved unharmed and a rabbit bolted from that small warren....but i wasnt happy....turns out it had been around a month prior thay had tried gassing


What a surprise you must have got there, mate ? & not a good one ! just shows the dangers, if those 'marbles' (shaped as they are now),...were rolled down those holes (or dispensed with the applicator, actually , as they would be now) not long before, (a few days, for example) yous arrived (to do the job, properly   lol)  One of the local golf courses, had phostoxin at one time (or Talunex), & it was applied around mole activity, right round a 'green' embankment. But they started digging a drainage trench, round it at the bottom. They left a lad working at it, & he began to feel unwell. Ended up having to attend hospital, a heard, so obviously the gas was still active, they reckoned & they started the work too soon, after gassing them mole runs ,....daft buggers. I suspect they probably overdosed the area, probably emptied a full flask (as they recommend you do now, with it ?) Then cause its so ineffective, the stuff,..... noticed fresh activity, a day or two, later & emptied another flask full ,of 'aniseed balls' down the runs, again !

Edited by earth-thrower
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  • 4 months later...

I think it shuts down your central nervous system but not sure

i was asked to trap for mole somewhere when I stuck a trap in I got a whiff of it as they’d not long had the gas man in

i was panicking all day 

just recently a lad had some in the back of his Landry near me

Was found crashed and stone dead as it had activated somehow as he was bombing along


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  On 18/10/2021 at 21:46, Fox dog said:

How's this stuff work attack lungs heart?? 


Mate, I wouldn't know this poisons , 'mode of action' ,  but its really dangerous, stuff. On the labels , with the flask, it tells you "highly poisonous,  when in contact, with skin, by inhalation & by ingestion, etc"  Only way to be reasonably safe when using it, is to have PPE on, & a full face, respirator, would be essential, if not vital,......years ago, I sought advice off a professional Pesty, & he told me he just opens the flask , at arms length out in the open air, with NO GEAR , on !! ?,...honestly,.....such POOR advice, & i would NOT RECOMMEND, under any circumstances !,......(this was before the applicators were even thought of, & became available)

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  On 19/10/2021 at 08:43, tilimangro said:

I think it shuts down your central nervous system but not sure

i was asked to trap for mole somewhere when I stuck a trap in I got a whiff of it as they’d not long had the gas man in

i was panicking all day 

just recently a lad had some in the back of his Landry near me

Was found crashed and stone dead as it had activated somehow as he was bombing along



"I was panicking all day",....?????,  ha ha ha ha, ....no seriously, I know  EXACTLY what you mean here,..cause I experienced similar feelings, (not the same scenario, as yours), when I was actually trying to apply the stuff,  against moles (& rabbits, once)

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Phostoxin is a cruel way to kill any animal.....?

Cymag  was not a lot better..

Alongside the dreaded Strychnine, I have used both of those two noxious gases,.. and I regret doing so...

I like to think of myself as a Hunter,. not a murderer...

Humaneness, and a quick dispatch of the chosen target species should always be the goal, of any sane man.....

Go careful now lads, stay safe,.. all the best, OldPhil.?



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  On 19/10/2021 at 10:01, earth-thrower said:

"I was panicking all day",....?????,  ha ha ha ha, ....no seriously, I know  EXACTLY what you mean here,..cause I experienced similar feelings, (not the same scenario, as yours), when I was actually trying to apply the stuff,  against moles (& rabbits, once)


Personally, I would like to see it go,... at least for use against  'Pest mammals' etc,...the way the 'old snow' (Strychnine hydrochloride) has for mole control.

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