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Can any one see much difference between having 1 jab and having 2 admittedly there’s a slight difference but does it warrant having 2 jabs rather than 1 am I missing something why is it recommending 2 jabs considering this Astra Jab is a bit suspect and it’s a trial until 2023 at least = ( Human Guinea Pigs )  hunting life Scientists I await your opinions.

This is off of a Gov.UK website and admittedly does say assumptions never assume in my opinion.


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I'll rely on my natural strength and vitality to protect me thank you ??

Well as I thought many differences in opinions, I believe the longer you leave it the better it’s got to be the Germans reckon they have found the blood clot cause in the J&J and the Astra Zeneca,

Your all doomed I say.... all doomed ?

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It’s free , well you’ve paid through your taxes for it , why not .... I had my second one today .The Spanish are gearing up at last , had the first one two weeks ago , second this morning ..

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1 hour ago, Rusty2 said:

Double jab then straight right just for good measure

haha , had my 2nd last week, and being honest, the 2nd jab hurt  more and arm ached for 3 days, where as the 1st, not to bad at all, so make of that what you want .??

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24 minutes ago, Neobliviscaris1776 said:

The reason for 2 jabs instead of 1 is the same reason why the vet gives puppies 2 jabs instead of 1.

If you know the answer to that (which I would of thought most would) then the connection may be somewhat concerning.

No it’s not. Puppies are only jabbed twice to ensure one is after the mother’s temporary immunity has worn off which happens some time between 3-10 weeks. If you dare wait, then you only need jab once at ten weeks.

Only lepto needs a booster two weeks after.

Edited by Born Hunter
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9 minutes ago, Born Hunter said:

No it’s not. Puppies are only jabbed twice to ensure one is after the mother’s temporary immunity has worn off which happens some time between 3-10 weeks. If you dare wait, then you only need jab once at ten weeks.

Only lepto needs a booster two weeks after.

No what's not??

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