Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted January 15, 2008 Report Share Posted January 15, 2008 As many of ye will know, I have here a Rottie bitch who I took on to save her being killed because of her Animal aggression. (She's a sweetheart with 'nice' people. But trecherous as all hell with Any other animal. She's a Confirmed Killer in that department). So anyway, she now lives perfectly happily in her large, indoor kennel (Crate, Dog Cage, what ever term ye want to use for them) and is taken out several times a day for on lead excercise and recreation, under my strictest personal supervision. Put simply; I get my other Dogs behind locked doors before I even open the door of her kennel! As ye might imagine then, having just that kennel between her and tragedy at all other times, as my other Dogs freely wander about the place, I keep a keen eye on both her behaviour, theirs ..... and the security of that kennel! Guess what? She could bust that door wide open, just about any time she had a mind to! She's simply so heavy and solid that the door buckles if she hits it ~ be that in fury, play or just plain chasing her stump. It's a High Risk Point, people! So, here's what I've done. I've long since put Cable Ties all round the 'joints' of the entire Kennel. That saves the roof or walls exploding apart. Now, for the door, I bought a pair of 3", steel Spring Clips. Here's one: With a bit of practice, ye'll soon find how these clips can be swept on with a fluid movement, and removed almost as easily. I trust their strength and design. I'm very, very glad I bought them too. Because, since I put them on there, it seems that some time in every day I'll look over, or go to let her out and will find Both bolts, top and bottom, have shot open and Only these two strong clips have saved her bursting into the cottage while my back's turned, and wreaking carnage. I guess the door must have bowed so often it's weakened and so now bows more easily? So, there it is. Please take that on board and apply it, as may be deemed advisable, to your own situation. IF YOU KEEP A POWERFUL DOG IN A COMMERCIAL 'CAGE'; PLEASE DO NOT RELY ON THAT 'FACTORY CONDITION' CAGE TO CONTAIN THAT DOG. TAKE MEASURES TO STRENGHEN IT'S INHERRANT SECURITY. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
littlefish 587 Posted January 16, 2008 Report Share Posted January 16, 2008 DS- for taking on a dog like that you must have a heart of gold and balls and nerves of steel! Your'e a brave one! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
leegreen 2,221 Posted January 16, 2008 Report Share Posted January 16, 2008 i think those locks are called caribeaners they are for climbing i also use them for holding my purse nets keeps then neat and tidy hung up in my roomThe clips are just tool clips and not for climbing, there not safe enough for climbing too easily unhooked.Have you not tryed the Dog Whisperer DS Quote Link to post Share on other sites
juckler123 707 Posted January 17, 2008 Report Share Posted January 17, 2008 Ditch mate cant fault that for advice i always used em for lead couplings on larger breeds they are the only thing id want to keep any large breed on i kept neos and bandogs for a time them and a horse lead or a chain is all you need mate. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
lawrence 657 Posted January 17, 2008 Report Share Posted January 17, 2008 mate , i wouldn't trust those clips as far as i could throw them, the weak point with them is the very small light pin that holds the locking bit together, basically its shit and not suitable for holding a strong dog. plenty of kennels fight could have been avoided had these not been used. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Little Butch 16 Posted January 17, 2008 Report Share Posted January 17, 2008 You obviosly used the shit ones You can get some real strong climbing ones - Fecking solid Leon Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted January 18, 2008 Report Share Posted January 18, 2008 Lawrence; While I take your point, I wonder if ye've misunderstood mine? I'm well aware of the inherrant weakness of that silly little pin. Only, in the way and for the purpose I'm using these clips, the pin is hardly significant. The clip itself is strong. It's that strength I'm happy with. The strength between the two curved 'ends'. See? Those are the points taking the strains and the pin and it's push in bar is really only a back up to keep things tidy. The Dog would have to effectively straighten the steel rod the main part of the clip is forged from, in order to open that door. And, considering the thickness and strength differentials between clip bar and cage bar? She'd have far more chance of simply tearing the cage itself apart. Now, if we're talking about Chaining a Dog? No way on gods little green earth would I trust more than a Jack Russel on one of those clips. Because there we Do have a Real risk of that pin coming adrift one day, unnoticed. Then it's only a matter of tragicly bad luck before the whole thing gets a flick and simply falls off the collar ring. Calamity. And that's why I won't use those things for that purpose, or any other where strict, manual control of a Dog is vital. For that sort of thing I've come up with another 'Catch' and would very much welcome others experiences with them. I've only found them in Eire. Labeled as " Animal Securing ~ Quick Release ". Have ye come across them? Thick, spring loaded metal collar which ye pull back and the restraining bar then falls open and realeases the collar ring. Designwaise, they look the b*llocks. But I'd be happier to find European made ones. The ones available to me right now, I believe, stemming from China. If ye not clear on what I'm trying to describe here, PM me and we can take their subject and discussion to the Bullbreeds board. Bound to be a lot of opinions there on Collar Clips. And it's a subject very dear to my heart Quote Link to post Share on other sites
ANGUS 0 Posted January 18, 2008 Report Share Posted January 18, 2008 NICE ONE D.S GOOD TIP Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Fledge 0 Posted January 20, 2008 Report Share Posted January 20, 2008 Good tip ditch ' those cages at the cheeper end of the market are pretty flimsey iv had dogs mangle there way out of them in minuits leaving the cage looking like it been run over with a truck . like anything you get what you pay for and the more expesive ones are alot stronger. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
shepp 2,285 Posted January 20, 2008 Report Share Posted January 20, 2008 f**k me Ditch you've really made a rod for your own back with taking on that bitch. Is there no way to muzzle her and introduce her to the others individually, maybe on neutral ground, surely no bitch can be that demented that it can never socialise with another dog again? I could'nt except being in that situation. Shepp Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Fledge 0 Posted January 20, 2008 Report Share Posted January 20, 2008 Could try a shock coller . Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted January 20, 2008 Report Share Posted January 20, 2008 Shepp; My brother is a Psychiatric Staff Nurse. He works with psychopaths. Maybe it's just something about our blood? I've no time for people, but a Dog with head issues I'll do all I can for. Rod for my back? Should I have shot her then, as I was asked to do by the guy who'd simply given up on her? I don't think so. Chain eats no more than any other Dog. She takes up no more space or time. And, as I can't stress too much; When I put the others safely away and let her out with just me? She's the most absolutely sweet natured, happy and playful Dog I've ever encountered. I look on her confinement as her day job. It's what she does. Then, when work's over, she gets to let her hair down. How many people on this site keep their Dogs locked away in kennels outside, taking them out only to chase some things and then go back and be pretty well ignored till the weather's right again. And no one bats an eyelid at that. Chain is very much a part of what goes on around here. And Dingo Dog communicates with her a Lot. She even stands and lets him lick her ears through the bars. It's just that she'd get an impulse to kill him, should I let her out in his presence. It's inherrent in her nature. She can't help it and I can't stop it. Friend of mine could. He's God. But he's also in America. Shock collar? In the right hands, with the right mentallity, for the extremely few purposes? I believe they have their value. However, I don't believe any ammount of shocks would make Chain Dog reliably safe around other animals. She's happy and safe as is. Why would I want to run such a high risk just to change what's working fine? I guess the bottom line is that some people get their pleasure from digging their Dogs up. Some like to follow in the wake of their Dogs and so call themselves " Hunters ". I like working with 'Mad' Dogs. It's a situation I'm happy to accept. Maybe there Is something in that old saying about Dogs taking after their keepers? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Fledge 0 Posted January 22, 2008 Report Share Posted January 22, 2008 I had some success with an electric collar ' the dog was highper active chewing and whineing/crying ..... a complete pain in the arse !! I eventually got her to stop the barking with the help of the collar and sorted the rest out mainly with lots of exercise. Maybie you could borrow a collar and muzzle .... with the help of the two you maybie atleast be able to execise her with the other dogs witch im sure she would enjoy once she learns how two. Ive had some totaly agressive dogs, yet when they went on to other homes the new owners have them running in the park with other dogs no problem Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted January 22, 2008 Report Share Posted January 22, 2008 Fledge; It's genuinely not worth any of that sort of bother, mate. Trust me on this as I know the entire history and situation with my Dogs They're all perfectly happy as are and I have everything under control with no losses to any of us. Let's not lose sight of the fact that I only made my initial Post with a view to just passing on the tip that A/ Commercial Cages have an inherrent weak spot - the width of the doors makes them succeptable to bowing under great pressure. And B/ A simple couple of steel clips remove that potential risk scenario. Anyway, now I come to think of it, I may well start another Thread presently. To go back to the other point I think I might have somehow come to touch on up there; What people prefer as 'Chain Restraints'. I've found the basis of what I consider the best I've come across yet and I've even loaded the shots to PhotoBucket. Seem a shame to waste them, eh? Have a look when it appears, please. Let's have ye input Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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