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Israel iron dome defense

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Oooo some antisemitism for a change, was getting bored of the usual black vs white racism,...nice ?

The only people being humane about anything are Europeans.....and it’s killing us !  We ain’t throwing queers off tall buildings or stoning women to death, we ain’t walking into mosques with AK47s a

Well i hope the arabs wipe the scummy jews off the face of the earth,it ain't isreal it's occupied Palistine and the yids don't belong there..

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  On 17/05/2021 at 14:10, 3dumb said:

I call em as I see em pal. 

I like that you argue that comment though but not the logic I stated earlier lol. Says a lot. 


I don’t think I have argued with you at all mate ?......I said I couldn’t give a shit about Arabs or Jews because they have and should have no relevance in Europe !

These people mean nothing to me and I mean nothing to them, not a problem, exactly as it should be.

Do I think less Muslims in the world (especially if it includes the military wing of Hamas) is a good thing?......absolutely, these people hate us and if they could do us harm they would.....without a second thought.


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  On 17/05/2021 at 14:23, WILF said:

I don’t think I have argued with you at all mate ?......I said I couldn’t give a shit about Arabs or Jews because they have and should have no relevance in Europe !

These people mean nothing to me and I mean nothing to them, not a problem, exactly as it should be.

Do I think less Muslims in the world (especially if it includes the military wing of Hamas) is a good thing?......absolutely, these people hate us and if they could do us harm they would.....without a second thought.



Alright Mr Literal, haha. You know what I meant by argue, perhaps retort would've been the better word? My bad, either way, we can agree to disagree. 

I just find it saddening the mentality shown from one human to another. There's c**ts from every background, be it Muslim, Christian, Jew, atheist or any nationality but that doesn't mean thats whats happening in Palestine is OK. 

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  On 17/05/2021 at 12:13, 3dumb said:

Thought I'd throw in my 10c, cos I'm bored and love a bit of banter...


Israel as a state categorically shouldn't exist. The fact that as a nation Britain sailed the Palestinians down the river purely to appease a bunch of zionists f***ing infuriates me. 

They have one of, if not the single most advanced defence systems in the world and waltz into Palestinian land, swinging their dicks about and forcing civilians folk out of their homes. Its disgusting.

What we're witnessing is the mass genocide of peoples all in the name of the Greater State of Israel (have a read up on it and the plans they have for the middle east), and by folk who are the first to call victim status when you point out they've been booted out of over 100 countries, (aint no smoke without fire boyo).

Personally, no problems with a jew, but if you're a zionist, f*ck ya. 


I used to tattoo and once got invited to a convention in Tel Aviv, all expenses paid. Almost considered it until the c*nts cut water and power to the gaza strip for a week just cos they can. 

Maybe its being raised in a pro-rebulican, Irish catholic house in England and what i was taught growing up, but in the same way Irish settlers in America were told to befriend the blacks as they had more in common with them than anyone else, watching a playground bully muscle its way through the brave few that stand up to them whilst everyone else watches pisses me off, and the fact civilians standing up for their scraps of land are vilified is disguising. Come to think of it, it reminds me of this lyric; "soon I learned that sticks and stones won't drive the Brits away, and it wasn't very long before I joined the IRA".

Who can blame em for standing THEIR ground? Really?


In short, f**k Israel and f**k zionism.



So you were raised pro republican in england but stayed in the country you were brought up to hate??? Whys that?

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  On 17/05/2021 at 14:33, 3dumb said:


Alright Mr Literal, haha. You know what I meant by argue, perhaps retort would've been the better word? My bad, either way, we can agree to disagree. 

I just find it saddening the mentality shown from one human to another. There's c**ts from every background, be it Muslim, Christian, Jew, atheist or any nationality but that doesn't mean thats whats happening in Palestine is OK. 


The only people being humane about anything are Europeans.....and it’s killing us ! 
We ain’t throwing queers off tall buildings or stoning women to death, we ain’t walking into mosques with AK47s and spraying the assembled worshippers, we don’t rape 11 years olds because we think it cures us of AIDS or allow men of 50 to marry 10 year olds.

We don’t cut women’s genitals to bits or make 8 year olds soldiers and have them massacre villages.

We don’t rock up to the village next door with machetes because they got a delivery of milk and we didn’t ! 

We don’t cut thieves hands off or behead people.

We send these people billions of pounds, we send them doctors and vaccines and charity workers and aid.

We invite them to come and pollute our towns and city’s with their disgusting 3rd world “culture” at the expense of our own.

Dont presume to lecture Europeans about basic humanity mate, We are the most human people on the planet.

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  On 17/05/2021 at 14:38, Lenmcharristar said:

So you were raised pro republican in england but stayed in the country you were brought up to hate??? Whys that?


Re-read what I said fella. 

Raised in, not raised as. Secondly when did I say I hate this country? Haha.

Im English. Born here and raised here. I've my own mind to govern my sensibilities pal and the politics of my kin dont affect my own. 

It was said for context as to why I always back the little man. 

Settle down.

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  On 17/05/2021 at 14:47, 3dumb said:

Re-read what I said fella. 

Raised in, not raised as. Secondly when did I say I hate this country? Haha.

Im English. Born here and raised here. I've my own mind to govern my sensibilities pal and the politics of my kin dont affect my own. 

It was said for context as to why I always back the little man. 

Settle down.


Did you ever question your kin as to why if they hate it so much are they staying there? 

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  On 17/05/2021 at 13:43, SONOFSOIL said:

Karma fella, jews are the ones that bang the drumb for immigration, multiculturalism, and gender bending, you sow, you reap.?


How many Jewish terrorist groups do you see blowing up kids and beheading innocent people ??? 

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  On 17/05/2021 at 15:43, socks said:

How many Jewish terrorist groups do you see blowing up kids and beheading innocent people ??? 


Jesus man, your digging yourself a great big hole. I see the Israeli government terrorising the Palestinians day in day out in 1 form or another, ive seen britain and america terrorising for them on a huge scale, not to mention the dirty deeds of the mossad. I also know what they did in the Soviet union, and why they got the boot from Germany, the list is endless.

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Bizarre, your asking a question like that at a time like this? Israeli bombs have killed around 60 kids and counting as we speak, they also control the food, water, electricity and everything else, thats terrorism. ?





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  On 17/05/2021 at 17:37, SONOFSOIL said:

Bizarre, your asking a question like that at a time like this? Israeli bombs have killed around 60 kids and counting as we speak, they also control the food, water, electricity and everything else, thats terrorism. ?






And I suppose hamas are throwing flowers at Israeli’s are they .... fukc sake listen to yourself your are a full on Islam appeaser .......

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  On 17/05/2021 at 18:18, socks said:

And I suppose hamas are throwing flowers at Israeli’s are they .... fukc sake listen to yourself your are a full on Islam appeaser ..


Your as thick as a whale omlet, do you know what as been happening for the last 70 odd years? People have been bulldozed out of the homes and moved on, no right of return, they resist, i take my hat off.

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