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Bald ferrets

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Can anyone help with a ferret health problem. I had a hob start going bald, and was told by the vet it was hormonal, to cut a long story short after over a hundred quid and lots of tests the ferret was PTS with prostate cancer. I now have another hob showing the same symptoms (bald tail) and was wondering if it could be something else? The odds seem a bit long for two ferrets to have prostate cancer in a few weeks. Any advice gladly received :search:

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Guest eirnhunter

the tail gos a bit bald on my ferrets sometimes when i feed them food rich in protein.i feed them the off cuts of deer meat when it is going,small amounts is ok,but i find that if i give to much then then the tail gos a bit bald.when i change the diet they go back to normal,and the ferrets are fine.

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could be stress if they fight with each other and are un happy, or is the skin red it could be mites or fleas even if you can,t see them. Have heard the hormone one before also. My ferrets hair thins out around july to october as well then thickens when it gets cold, but not bald.

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