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Dear SkeetChamp,

I would wait at least for 12-15 months, working on obedience. When you start stimulating the prey drive it will be hard to add any field obedience. Also at 9 months the dog might not be mature enough mentally and speed wise...that combined with difficult rabbits might lead to an unruly yapper.


Be patient, get it obedient, fit and wise and start off with some really easy rabbits and you will have years of sport. A dog entered to early with the faults related to that WILL turn you off.



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dear skeetchamp my self i wouldnt even think of runing him at all , never ,not even in a million years because he is a very shit dog with no brain and will never know the dirrence between a rabbit and a sock. and you are a nob and you talk a lot of poo . good day cock boy and all the best with your rat pm good mates all ways YOU DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HA HA HA HA HA :D:feck:

Edited by bazz
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Every dogs different but I would agree with whats been said about getting your retreiving, recall and basic obedience good first before you start working your youngster. Around 8-10 months is a good age to start doing a bit, little and often is the key :thumbs:

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