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The Joys of Cattle and Fencing

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  • Wolfdog91 changed the title to The Joys of Cattle and Fencing

Top stuff, how many acres is the property ?

The cows must not see folks from one day to the next?

I make a point of giving mine a little food every morning so they come to the call and I always have a stick with me when I walk in the field with them.

Like most animals they get to know who the food man is and they get to know and get used to who they see the most and who’s kind to them.

Cows are most dangerous with young calf’s at foot, they will mangle you.

Wondering how big the property is because I’m wondering if a big mains electric box and fencing would work, they don’t argue with mains electric fencing.....they won’t even go near it after a few hits. 

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  On 30/04/2021 at 23:01, WILF said:

Top stuff, how many acres is the property ?

The cows must not see folks from one day to the next?

I make a point of giving mine a little food every morning so they come to the call and I always have a stick with me when I walk in the field with them.

Like most animals they get to know who the food man is and they get to know and get used to who they see the most and who’s kind to them.

Cows are most dangerous with young calf’s at foot, they will mangle you.

Wondering how big the property is because I’m wondering if a big mains electric box and fencing would work, they don’t argue with mains electric fencing.....they won’t even go near it after a few hits. 


Thank you and  what the cows are on it's about 67 acres, we have more for the hunters and what not but it's a bit complicated, family land disputes and all that lol.

The cows are actually fed daily at the feed barn by the house but a couple of the lead cows still have some crazy in them from the old strains and they do not like having folks where we're not supposed to be. Like in the back pastures where I was ect. If my dad or one of my brother approaches them with a bucket or just a empty feed back 80% of them will just t puppy dog and follow where ever you lead. But agin the crazies don't wanna submit lol. Out bull is actually a complete teddy bear , 2200lbs+ and will flip the smaller bull like a toy but he'll follow you anywhere and let you pet him if you have a hand full of sweet feed lol.

And trust me I know about them with calves. These woodland cattle are much worse than a regular mother.  I've found a few hog ranging from 150-300lbs gored by some of the horned females we had. Hogs will go after deer fawns no problem ( can actually call in boar's with a dawn in distress call ) so figure they try the same with calves, TRY  lol ? it's another reason I keep a loaded gun on me when I moving though this stuff because they will be bedded down with a new calf less then 10yd away and your not gonna know it till their bulldozing their way to you. Usually all it takes is a warning shot to turn them but I've had instincts where if it wasn't for my dogs ( I usually walk the line with a dog or three )I'd have to shoot that cow. 


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  On 01/05/2021 at 05:29, forest of dean redneck said:

How you going to get the strays back ?


They where all ready back from everything I could tell but if they went we have gates to the other property all along the fence line. Usually what happens is when we have a few out and we can't get them in or they won't come back we will locate them to their general area and open those gates. The cows usually know. We then call in cowboys who work with our family alot.  They usually drop out 10-20 cow dogs to flush them back over ( and I've seen theses cows jump fences stalker then this like a deer many times) or drive them in the open where the boys and the horses rope them and  load them in a trailer if they can bring it Far enough or hobble them ( meaning they tie their feet where that can walk but not run ) and lead them back to the trailer or secure pasture. Trouble makers are usually culled and sold on the spot. We've actually made extremely good money selling some of the wildest ones off as rodeo cows. If we end up having to do this again I'll be sure to try and take pleanty of pictures for y'all ?

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  On 30/04/2021 at 22:52, Ken's Deputy said:

I got completely exhausted just reading about that! I'm doing some 'Dog Proof' fencing, at the moment. Few hours a day is plenty for me. I mean, seriously; If I can manage a few yards or so?

Don't ever lose that work ethic, Wolfie :good:


Dog proof? Is that like a mesh wire type of thing ? And thank you, I've been at this since I was like six so it's just second nature lol. Honestly just wanted to get it done before summer it's because it's gets 100+ pretty easy where I'm at and fencing then is 3x as hard lol.

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