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I like that stamp of jukel for rabbiting in the Hedgerows and Ditch bottoms,..mine suit me fine for that old job..?    

Can't stand thinkers running  With there head in the air trying to work things out 

Same as any litter there will be wastage no matter what but it’s depending on what the owner of the pup wants an expects for it to be called wastage or not one man could like cloddy types were as anot

  On 16/04/2021 at 20:06, W. Katchum said:

Iv saw a few diff types do it, usually too much graft, unfit or just a shite dog, don’t coursing greyhounds even run cunning after a while? But I’ll let the kennel blind sulkuki owner to tell us best ?


? greyhounds will start waiting behind trying for the kill once mature and coursing rules that’s no good no greyhound I ever seen pick a run they try every time ? sighthound tend to chase what’s infront mate ?? 


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  On 16/04/2021 at 20:42, W. Katchum said:

So your beloved coursing dogs never trot up towards a long slip an say no thanks an come back? or kill off after a quick minute an it thinks it can find an easier one? You wanna go dig holes in garden with a tea spoon or summat to pass your time ???‍♂️ 

a coursing dog that settles in an don’t try en end a course ASAP is using its brain, or it would try harder, just like these herders you keep mentioning, they doing same thing, using there load. Both faults to me but atlesstnom honest an don’t make excuses for one type ??


? mate after a 4 mins course on long ear   dead a winter I havent got there quick enough it’s spotted bambi 500yds away stopped that ? come for walk I’ll slip 200yds away while they at cover most of time he Will get on them lol  if it has seen it it will try for 5 minutes never mind if it’s in sight ? ?? 

if I had a dog come bk half way threw a run it be pts ? the dog wants it head up read the land then pressure if it goes near cover head up work it bk out then pressure winter the fastest dogs have to hold on at times ?? 

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  On 16/04/2021 at 18:57, Trev70 said:

The down fall in them is when you give them plenty of work they start using their head too much mate is what I've found. 


I always thought it was half x herders that were terrible for run picking especially as they aged an slowed up abit it gets worse when they loose there little hedge of speed they think they ain’t going to catch an start thinking to much so start creeping down the beam an start watching stuff disappearing in to the distance or not even running stuff at all 

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That’s what I’m on about poxon them that lamp on too close to hedge won’t run it they pick runs clever how they kill sculling 


not jackers stopping when chasing comeing bk when right behind stuff sickened and shite ? ?? 

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  On 16/04/2021 at 21:03, W. Katchum said:

Iv saw more than a few terrier types do it, grews do it an a few other types bullx included pal, get out with a few dogs regular an you will see it, don’t listen to mc kennel blind haha he comparing shit herders with the best a coursing dogs an still sounds daft ffs, every type an breed will throw shit, half hearted, lazy, clever  cal it what you will an then there shit handlers, injury’s an a million other things?

but let’s all blame the collie haha 


I only answer him so any young lads don’t believe his bollocks ?


Not all herder a shite mate I’ve had mates had descent would a run 2 long ear and 2 bambi daytime and then carried on lamping when dark mate ??  one Mali cross used to have me pulling me hair out ?

Were have I talked bollox mate ?  ? ?? 

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  On 16/04/2021 at 18:53, Trev70 said:

I've not bred any mate but here's a couple I've worked the past few seasons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebHRoplz3ag, there's more clips of them on my channel if you have a look mate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QAHbZCQ0A4 ?


Them.we dogs don't miss much mate our out of the same litter trev do u own them too smashers mate ??

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  On 16/04/2021 at 20:52, poxon said:

I always thought it was half x herders that were terrible for run picking especially as they aged an slowed up abit it gets worse when they loose there little hedge of speed they think they ain’t going to catch an start thinking to much so start creeping down the beam an start watching stuff disappearing in to the distance or not even running stuff at all 


Mate I have seen all types of lurchers do this lamping dogs specially pulling up tip toeing down the lamp if it had of run down it would of probably got it I seen them fly down the lamp and stop and come.back the next rabbit maybe 70 yards away and the dog try it's heart out and catch it I have like.all use lads probably run all different types of dogs it happens lads ??

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  On 16/04/2021 at 22:30, Ferretman65 said:

Mate I have seen all types of lurchers do this lamping dogs specially pulling up tip toeing down the lamp if it had of run down it would of probably got it I seen them fly down the lamp and stop and come.back the next rabbit maybe 70 yards away and the dog try it's heart out and catch it I have like.all use lads probably run all different types of dogs it happens lads ??


Ps u just don't know what Goes on in the dogs head mate I have two whippet x greyhounds pups now 7 months old I hope they our not tip toers. lay back But only time will tell thanks lads ??

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What I've seen most hunting dogs run smarter with age and experience, it's a good thing to avoid injuries. Reckless dogs don't usually live long but my blue whip/stag was the worst for it when young. Luckily she calmed down, it only took 5 years of near heart attacks from my side, lol.

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  On 16/04/2021 at 22:05, Ferretman65 said:

Them.we dogs don't miss much mate our out of the same litter trev do u own them too smashers mate ??


No mate not out of the same litter and yes I did own them but gave both away for free for starting to use their heads too much . The black bitch didn't use her head the next day after I gifted her to a lad she ran into a stone post and killed herself and the merle is retired early now after breaking a couple of bones in her foot, she was good around the hedges but started pulling up too early when running towards walls.

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  On 17/04/2021 at 04:28, W. Katchum said:

My half x kelpie had bounced off some stuff already an still not learning her lesson, she prob learn it on the run that ends her☹️? I like commited dogs but I don’t like head cases ? she will settle, I keep telling meself that anyways ?


Mine at 7 has a calmer temp and drive but I must admit I miss the daredevil runs, clearing barb by mm at full speed, somersaulting into trees and trying to nab rabbits going down holes at 40 km's an hour. ? lol.

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