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Hi all I have a golden retriever that’s 12 years old and for most of his life he has had ear infections seen different vets and they have all come up with the same conclusion that it is a form of fungus and give me drops to put in. The fungus clears up with in a few days then it comes back after a couple of weeks and we go through it all again. The vet bills are starting to get more and more. Is there anything out there that I can by on the internet or over the counter that will work and I will just keep on treating him even once it it’s cleared up on a weakly basis. Any information , advice or ideas would be great ,he is an old man but a great dog and this is the only problem. 

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Any excess moisture can be gently mopped up with a cotton wool swab. DO NOT REMOVE WAX.
Under normal circumstances powder should not be put in ears, but the brown wax acts as a cork.

Get the animal in a good position lying on its side. (with cats this can be difficult, and help may be needed). Apply a pinch of THORNIT Canker Powder using the end of a spoon.
Lightly dust round the inner ear avoiding the ear hole. Gently massage the powder in with your finger from the outside. Apply THORNIT Canker Powder twice a day.
Relief comes with the first dose, but the treatment should continue for 1 to 5 days (usually 3).
When the brown wax starts to move - stop
This means that the mite are dead & the wax will come away, pushing out the powder and leaving a clean ear.
A pinch of THORNIT Canker Powder in each ear once a week will keep the animal free from re-infection.

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