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Nice well boned deerhound x greyhound .longdog/hybrid  butty.I have longstanding liking for brindlle coated  longdogs its just a particular personal  opinion nothing more than that. Your longdog hybrid  im sure will probably provide you with real good field sports. The deerhound hound x greyhound is probably the most beautiffulies longdog in the longdog league. Such hybrids are undoubtedly good honest keen working dogs Absolutely fantastic looking animals to say the least.Due to their long coupled  back i wouldn't be of the opinion that they are gifted with agility but they are capable of providing fantastic sport!!!!good luck.Carl Williams South Wales. 


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A photo i took the other day of my Deerhound x Greyhound   atb

I never tire of putting this picture up; Cheers.  

Seven weeks old, first cross Deerhound / Greyhound; Cheers.  

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19 minutes ago, Rudeboy 1 said:

Nice well boned deerhound x greyhound .longdog/hybrid  butty.I have longstanding liking for brindlle coated  longdogs its just a particular personal  opinion nothing more than that. Your longdog hybrid  im sure will probably provide you with real good field sports. The deerhound hound x greyhound is probably the most beautiffulies longdog in the longdog league. Such hybrids are undoubtedly good honest keen working dogs Absolutely fantastic looking animals to say the least.Due to their long coupled  back i wouldn't be of the opinion that they are gifted with agility but they are capable of providing fantastic sport!!!!good luck.Carl Williams South Wales. 


Why have you put a pic up of a dog that looks to have BEDLINGTON in it?!

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3 hours ago, shaaark said:

You're cooking em wrong then, sheepy.  Marinated in a good red wine, with garlic, mixed herbs and thyme, overnight, then in the slow cooker for a few hours, superb.  ?

Forgot the bay leaves.  ?

He’s a sheep farmer. Got no time for marinating. 

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Just now, tatsblisters said:


I used to run this beast of a dog back in the late 70s and still a teenager it was owned by a chap who was a caretaker at a special needs school for kids in Rotherham he bought the dog as a pup out of the exchange and mart and told me it was two rough looking characters who delivered it to him after phoning the advert.The photo don't do him justice he was a lump of a dog and caught a few rabbits and hares for his size. I have seen numerous fx deerhound/greys and non were like this dog i often thought he might have been an Irish wolhound /greyhound .

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3 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

If you don't get a bite first time.......change the fly......?


He’s having me life charts yesterday I told shaaark old Phil is a rabbiter ferreter I’m a all rounder then he puts this up making a me liar ? ? I have to take me hat off to him ? 

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5 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

He’s having me life charts yesterday I told shaaark old Phil is a rabbiter ferreter I’m a all rounder then he puts this up making a me liar ? ? I have to take me hat off to him ? 

It wasn't a condemnation, it was a suggestion ! ?? !


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2 hours ago, chartpolski said:

Seven weeks old, first cross Deerhound / Greyhound;




beautiful pup,coud certainly find room in my kennel,for such a fine example of the breed,youre a lucky man, bred the right way. atb

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2 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

P.s. Old Lloydy and myself have had disagreements in the past, but I have great respect for the man......We've both seen the world and gone through multiple T shirts ! ?


I enjoy both your posts mate ?both have plenty a wisdom and knowledge and can put it across in the right way few things I'm maybe lacking mate ? ?

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3 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

I enjoy both your posts mate ?both have plenty a wisdom and knowledge and can put it across in the right way few things I'm maybe lacking mate ? ?

I look upon you as a proud father would look upon a prodical son !

I would gladly slaughter the fatted calf to welcome you back into the fold !

Salem Aleykum.

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2 hours ago, Rudeboy 1 said:

Nice well boned deerhound x greyhound .longdog/hybrid  butty.I have longstanding liking for brindlle coated  longdogs its just a particular personal  opinion nothing more than that. Your longdog hybrid  im sure will probably provide you with real good field sports. The deerhound hound x greyhound is probably the most beautiffulies longdog in the longdog league. Such hybrids are undoubtedly good honest keen working dogs Absolutely fantastic looking animals to say the least.Due to their long coupled  back i wouldn't be of the opinion that they are gifted with agility but they are capable of providing fantastic sport!!!!good luck.Carl Williams South Wales. 


Teachers here, anyone got an apple?

Cheers, D.

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