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HW97K Underlever Catch.

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Hi all,

On the HW97K underlever catch, do you use oil or a spot of grease to lubricate it, mine gets quite gnarly after a bit of use, have used oil but it doesn’t seem to last that long! I presume your glove wipes it all off as it gets used, the rubber o-ring is in place.


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I use silcon based.. Lik....... Actually no f thst. I use the best lube known to man WD40

Grease is only for bits that aren't in exposed movement. As it pulls in grit. 

WD40 can go everywhere... Accept the inside of the comp chamber or tube or anywhere where captive grease doesn't need to be washed out, underlevers are a bit different here.. 

I find WD fantastic for cleaning barrels, I mean i pulled through for the forth patch clean no oil.. And re lead with some horrendous VMX pellets over the Chrono... And ready to go... No diesel... Ever. And I mean ever... 

Never drench it. And use Silicon based to give it a sheen after.. 

Greese if for internals away from dirt. 

Done well for me 

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