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Hare coursing

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  On 13/03/2021 at 19:53, mC HULL said:

?? like not even a small percent of hare coursers drive land but all get car took mate lol 

just because I course hares I’m a traveller lol that be wrong aswell 

I think farmers treat animals like animals lol the saying has a meaning mate 

would You rather be shot getting chased maybe to evade live another day or would prefer to be caged for life then shot at the end lol

to me I am not bothered food is food killing should be as quick  as possible farmed or Hunted dead is dead mate ?? 




That’s my point mate, just saying that generalisations about farmers are probably as untrue as generalisations about hare coursers. I do both ? 

Like everything - I give the animals I farm the best possible life and treat them with respect (outside whole life, grass reared etc etc) and I give the quarry I hunt the same respect and as good a life and end as I can. 

The truth is in life there are some folk just c**ts and they be cu**s if they be farming or coursing.

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That’s my point mate, just saying that generalisations about farmers are probably as untrue as generalisations about hare coursers. I do both ?  Like everything - I give the animals I farm the be

Last season, I was told by the Keepers to kill all the hares,...they felt that old Puss was like a magnet to lampers....  My partner offered to shoot the lot under the lamp,...I didn't fancy the

It’s the muppets who drive the land because they are to f***ing lazy to use there legs that’s f****d it for most people,but this is our next generation or hunters ?? well done you cocks and they will

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  On 13/03/2021 at 19:56, mC HULL said:

Lampers mate same round me drive all land have to because there no fox hardly since the ban lol then hare coursers get blame you wouldn’t last 2 mins round me driving land in the day lol


100%,  but it’s mad the police abs media have made it so if you ask anyone what then lads were doing last night it is always ‘coursing’. We never ever ever (ok maybe 3 times in 6 years) get anyone walking the land in the day, but night time driving after the hares is probably couple times a week, or every single day around harvest ? went through about 8 new permanent high tensile electric fences the other day we’d just put up ? got to laugh to be fair ? they never catch many hares but they three lots on foot I’ve met all had caught so go figure! 

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  On 13/03/2021 at 20:03, SheepChaser said:

100%,  but it’s mad the police abs media have made it so if you ask anyone what then lads were doing last night it is always ‘coursing’. We never ever ever (ok maybe 3 times in 6 years) get anyone walking the land in the day, but night time driving after the hares is probably couple times a week, or every single day around harvest ? went through about 8 new permanent high tensile electric fences the other day we’d just put up ? got to laugh to be fair ? they never catch many hares but they three lots on foot I’ve met all had caught so go figure! 


gives a shot at em muntys....

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It’s a funny old world. I upset everyone. I like country folk, and I tell both sides - if you’re driving about at night smashing shit up to throw your dog at something you’ve knackered with the motor you ain’t a country man, and if you’re anti hunting with dogs you ain’t a country man either, because it’s been here longer than most modern farming etc. So yer, no one likes me ? but I don’t care.

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  On 13/03/2021 at 19:57, jackthelad said:

them c**ts in em pink troosers worth a watching btw look the c**t ffs his computers riddled with kiddie porn its rippin ooot them ......the guard on the end ffs be an easy night if them  two pulled u in a feild  what the fucks happened to the place when yer motor can be a metre square for a poxy hare...there no even nice to eat


They are nice in the slow cooker so they are cooked properly,But instead of driving any lad park it up so it’s not conspicuous and walk the lad like I’ve always done and don’t lamp the farm house to let the farmer know ya there.It’s not hard to do in 41yrs I’ve been caught twice.Once on the side of the road cos the heater pipe had blown and once coming down a track to get back on the main road that they couldn’t prove I had been lamping.It’s easy done but now I wouldn’t thank ya for a lurcher because of all the shit driving back home.

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  On 13/03/2021 at 20:19, SheepChaser said:

You wanna travel down for a bit of bushing you’d be welcome mate but it’s a long long way! And I bet we’d blank ? Sod’s law. But if you’re down this way I’ll try and give you a bash on them. 


dunno if yor still in wales mate but iv watched your posts since u had that black whippet...saw your bushing topics an ithink my mate nos a boy u no an aye am up for a bash yor way il pm u when iam sober

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  On 13/03/2021 at 20:23, jackthelad said:

dunno if yor still in wales mate but iv watched your posts since u had that black whippet...saw your bushing topics an ithink my mate nos a boy u no an aye am up for a bash yor way il pm u when iam sober


Not a problem. Drop me a pm. Be interested to know who you know that I do. I also lived in Scotland for five years. I’m in Hampshire now. 

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  On 13/03/2021 at 20:15, lurchers said:

They are nice in the slow cooker so they are cooked properly,But instead of driving any lad park it up so it’s not conspicuous and walk the lad like I’ve always done and don’t lamp the farm house to let the farmer know ya there.It’s not hard to do in 41yrs I’ve been caught twice.Once on the side of the road cos the heater pipe had blown and once coming down a track to get back on the main road that they couldn’t prove I had been lamping.It’s easy done but now I wouldn’t thank ya for a lurcher because of all the shit driving back home.


Your still half ok lamping mate but can’t drive home with stuff in motor or your knackered proberly why some gets left ?? 

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  On 13/03/2021 at 20:23, jackthelad said:

dunno if yor still in wales mate but iv watched your posts since u had that black whippet...saw your bushing topics an ithink my mate nos a boy u no an aye am up for a bash yor way il pm u when iam sober


Get down on the banks of the great salmon river . They can run there . Well they did a few weeks ago ?

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I’ve never understood why someone would have the bollox to illegally drive over someone’s property tress passing causing criminal damage an hunt illegal quarry but ain’t got the bollox to drive home with the catch excluding fox 

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