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From the Lunacy of the "other" Forum

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Please forgive me for expressing my views on this. 

I oppoose all additional field sports and shooting sports legislation. In fact I oppose most legislation, as I sincerely beleive we are trapped in a social mess. New rules and laws don't help anyone. The instead create and have created a stunted society in which the basic and original binding factors, family, community, religion and common interest have given way to enforced regulation. And this in turn has gradually increased those who are the victims of social ills rather than being responsible for their actions. 

We are thus less free than we've ever been. 

I was quite open about my views in the other place and as I believe in free speech I made my opinions known when so many people seemed to think additional regulation might stop criminal acts involving airguns. Utter madness. 

I was deeply dismayed to hear that some from within the shooting community, already decimated by legislation that's removed and entire discipline from our rights, to now meaningful effect, were calling for Scottish style legislation. Very dangerous people very dangerous. 

Legislation is often not static, it can and does often increase. Identify something as socially unacceptable in this new world, and crush it. Another freedom gone. 

I think therefore I must have been identified as some kind of trouble making rule Breaker. In the other forum. There is some kind of lack of understanding going on there. As the forum rules now are three flash pages long and seem to read, like some kind of quenching of the free spirit of humanity. Basically we all have to get on so don't express views on anything in case it causes someone to express theirs. They seem to have forgotten this is the bedrock of a free society, so long as other people have the grace to remain friendly.

Ironically within this framework laid out, I was subjected to low grade bullying, for making comments. Often for things like disagreeing with tuning methods or jumping on threads with a quip. Instead of a friendly dig, I'd get a meaningless attempt at intellectual superiority or a lesson in conduct. 


I ask you. What has the world come to? 

I am a free English Democrat, I beleive in my right to free expression and I will defend myself verbally and I will do my utmost with rhetoric to maintain my right to buy Air Weapons and use them on private land. Modify them and compete again hopefully... 

I wanted to let you all know. This is what I beleive in. You have a right to your opinions and so do I. 

Most of all, I want to maintain the slender grip we have on field sports in the UK. Please join me in opposition to all additional shooting and field sports legislation. I'd like the bloody GL back the way it was too. 

Regards. And... A proper hello from me. 

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  On 08/03/2021 at 15:47, The one said:

Hello and welcome mate , i think your going to fit right in here LOL 


Thanks mate. 

I just wanted to get that out the way, I actively campaign for it, and there's no way I'm leaving freedom at the door as I enter a room! 

Sorry if the long missive puts people off, but I have been around the block and I'm sick of just watching. 

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Other place. ?  Which other place.?  Do you mean the house of lords.?  Come on ;  name that place. 

It can get a bit tricky in here at times so you'll have to keep on the ball.

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