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Timber fence posts into tarmac drive

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I’m sh*t with anything like this. I know it’s easier to get a fixing into concrete because tarmacs brittle but can I do it with mechanical fixing or do I have to use resin for tarmac? 

Got 6 post brackets with 11mm holes, didn’t get the fixings with brackets. If can do it with through bolts am I using a 10mm sds drill bit and m10 bolt or 10mm hole and [BANNED TEXT] bolt so bolt fits easy then tightened up with washer and bolt. 


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Imo depends what your using it for? If it’s a structure(kennel/shed etc) the stability from the building might just get you away with it. If it’s a fence forget it, hole and concrete is the only way to go, the tarmac won’t give a good hold for bolts

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I doubt it’d last long mate, a 10mm threaded bar resined into hardcore or even soil dependent on how deep you go just won’t hold what is essentially a big wind sail, also you find the bottom of the post/fixings gives way when using this method 

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