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i intend to grow quite a lot of Runner Beans this season and have been told that Wood Pigeons  will be a real problem as well as Rabbits and i would need to Net every thing i grow , the Rabbits will be easy to keep off  but  do i have to cover the fully grown Bean Plants  or just the Seedlings   and what is the best Mesh to get bearing in mind i will need a large amount .


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Micky I grow a white flowering one called "White Lady" I get less trouble with birds. If I grow a red flowering one its the Sparrows that attack the flowers. I have never seen anybody down this part of the world covering Runners except for fleece when there is chance of a frost.

Cheers Arry

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I don't remember having any issues with birds but the slugs were sods until get a bit of height. SCaffold netting is good to cover stuff at good price too. But beans need pollinating but apparently according to google just to disturb the flowers

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Grew loads of runners last year and had no issue with birds.

Real garden centres (not the ones with tea rooms and ornaments for sale, i hate those!) should sell fine plastic mesh by the meter for buttons (mine does)

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Mate. The chances of bird damage are about 1/100. As for rabbits. Not a chance. There are no rabbits anymore ffs. Well not here anyway. I bet Terryd  would agree  with me in that basically there are no pests regarding beans. Get the plants to about 1ft high with the tendril just starting to twist and get them in. Your biggest problem is frost so don’t be hasty. I lost a full row in last years early frost, as well as 14 rows of potatoes. Good luck with your gardening and in particular your runner beans. Jok.

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Micky. I get the feeling we are very close geographically. I’ll be setting close to 300 runner bean plants of 3 varieties. Do you want to put your name on a few? Jok.

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15 hours ago, jok said:

Micky. I get the feeling we are very close geographically. I’ll be setting close to 300 runner bean plants of 3 varieties. Do you want to put your name on a few? Jok.

Thanks for the offer Jok but i am sorted for Beans , do you know  the best place for 8 ft  canes i need a 100  .

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Micky. Just had a word with the guys. They are saying 40p each (it’s a bit of a guess cause they could be a few pence eithe way). They would order them in for you on the promise that you will have them. Then, either you can collect from the gardens or I can bring them back to my place which is in Moira. Jok.

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26 minutes ago, jok said:

Micky. Just had a word with the guys. They are saying 40p each (it’s a bit of a guess cause they could be a few pence eithe way). They would order them in for you on the promise that you will have them. Then, either you can collect from the gardens or I can bring them back to my place which is in Moira. Jok.

Thats  great Jok  please order me a Hundred if you would .

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I grew loads of runners last year and the only problem I had was birds taking the seed. Simply cured be covering them with that netting they use on building sites. I could allways find a few cheap rolls at the auctions and it lasts a long time.

I had a huge crop and no problem with the established plants by pests , disease or birds.

Not growing them this year as me and the missus aren't that keen on them. Will be growing more dwarf French green beans and peas instead.


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Micky. They got back to me. Those canes are available from Hawgrips garden centre at Enderby, leics. 42p each I believe. It might be easier for you to collect direct. The allotment guys are looking for a profit I reckon. Tw-ts. Jok.

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1 hour ago, jok said:

Micky. They got back to me. Those canes are available from Hawgrips garden centre at Enderby, leics. 42p each I believe. It might be easier for you to collect direct. The allotment guys are looking for a profit I reckon. Tw-ts. Jok.

Thanks Jok  i never gave them ? a thought even though i lived next to them for ten years .

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