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Shamima Begum.

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Wow, that supprised me ! The Supreme Court has comprehensively over ruled the Court of Appeal and said Begum will not be allowed back into the UK to fight her case to get her passport back !

Give her 1 behind the ear, along with her offspring... Same goes for those other cnuts from Grangetown who went out there..... Their extended families still here should be sent back to their shit hole

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23 minutes ago, iworkwhippets said:

Been a member of this forum fer years, you find a post of mine weer ive slagged any member off and i will appologise immediately , easy fer folks sitting behind a keyboard or whatever ,   anyways its water off a ducks back, 

I only saw it and anything else as banter....the day we take Internet banter seriously is the day we should ban ourselves from going online. If you want to rescue an isis bride mate you go ahead and rescue one....dont let any fcker tell you different

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It's all a bit bollocks imo and hats the point in picking out one obviously dumb as a brick little girl whose probably about as dangerous as a slipper there's thousands and thousands of worse like all the ones who recruited her in the first place. Just makes us look petty and small minded to be honest, yay one young girl has lost her passport meanwhile hundreds of grown blokes with the same or worse ideas lands on beaches everyday and get shipped straight to a 4 star hotel near you. 

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4 hours ago, JDHUNTING said:

It's all a bit bollocks imo and hats the point in picking out one obviously dumb as a brick little girl whose probably about as dangerous as a slipper there's thousands and thousands of worse like all the ones who recruited her in the first place. Just makes us look petty and small minded to be honest, yay one young girl has lost her passport meanwhile hundreds of grown blokes with the same or worse ideas lands on beaches everyday and get shipped straight to a 4 star hotel near you. 

Spot on. 

Ffs don't tell @iworkwhippets, he always had a bit of a thing for her

Edited by DIDO.1
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The girl was 15 when she was groomed and recruited. She was under 16 when she was married off. Therefore she was raped by  a paedophile.

She was a naive idealist, just like girls were who became nuns and dressed in similar garb to burkas. She quickly found out what an Islamic state entails...poverty, sand and bereavement of her kids. Her two schoolkids friends who went with her are also presumed dead Girls who became nuns also ended up living in poverty and were severely bullied by  their superiors. At worst they were required to persecute the likes of unmarried mothers and sell their children. Shouldn't those nuns also be tracked down and face the legal consequences of their brutal and illegal activities?

The government has allowed back hundreds of committed jihadists. Really terrifying, ruthless men who are seriously committed to terrorism. It costs us millions to supervise them. So why single out a pathetic, bereaved woman?

She should be recruited by "Prevent", an organisation which seeks to prevent terrorism and fight the Islamic propaganda muslim kids are exposed to. She says she would be willing to do this. Her message would be very powerful and muslim kids would hear the reality of jihadist life. If she makes a few bob selling a book relating her  experiences of life in a muslim state, good for her. 

Whether you despise her or not, she would do our society a lot of good by acting as a warning to muslim kids edging towards extremist muslim ideas. Even if she prevented one terrorist atrocity, letting her back would be worth it.

I would sooner live next door to her than the committed terrorists who actually fought against western troops and are now at large, in their hundreds throughout the UK. It has never been proven that she actually committed any hostile acts against UK troops. She was just a 'comfort' woman/child.

I'll er get my coat.


Edited by jukel123
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53 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

she would do our society a lot of good by acting as a warning to muslim kids edging towards extremist muslim ideas

Or go the other way and she may start to fill there heads with even more  extremists ideology and your willing to take that risk .be mindful she never showed any remorse  that only  came when she realised they were removing her citizenship feck her leave her there 

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1 hour ago, jukel123 said:

The girl was 15 when she was groomed and recruited. She was under 16 when she was married off. Therefore she was raped by  a paedophile.

She was a naive idealist, just like girls were who became nuns and dressed in similar garb to burkas. She quickly found out what an Islamic state entails...poverty, sand and bereavement of her kids. Her two schoolkids friends who went with her are also presumed dead Girls who became nuns also ended up living in poverty and were severely bullied by  their superiors. At worst they were required to persecute the likes of unmarried mothers and sell their children. Shouldn't those nuns also be tracked down and face the legal consequences of their brutal and illegal activities?

The government has allowed back hundreds of committed jihadists. Really terrifying, ruthless men who are seriously committed to terrorism. It costs us millions to supervise them. So why single out a pathetic, bereaved woman?

She should be recruited by "Prevent", an organisation which seeks to prevent terrorism and fight the Islamic propaganda muslim kids are exposed to. She says she would be willing to do this. Her message would be very powerful and muslim kids would hear the reality of jihadist life. If she makes a few bob selling a book relating her  experiences of life in a muslim state, good for her. 

Whether you despise her or not, she would do our society a lot of good by acting as a warning to muslim kids edging towards extremist muslim ideas. Even if she prevented one terrorist atrocity, letting her back would be worth it.

I would sooner live next door to her than the committed terrorists who actually fought against western troops and are now at large, in their hundreds throughout the UK. It has never been proven that she actually committed any hostile acts against UK troops. She was just a 'comfort' woman/child.

I'll er get my coat.


Regrettably I more or less agree 


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