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Price rise in pups

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There's still good honest folks gifting well-bred pups out there..... Im waiting for a pup, only charge is the price of the dock and a few days fishing on one of my waters.... I've just offered an adu

Personally, I would sooner gift a rabbiting tyke to a genuine good home than accept vonga for it... Loads of good lads around the UK,...plenty of nice average hunting jukels available...?  O

Working dog lads will go to people who breed working dogs. The peddlers, profiteers, and breeders of non-working bred pups will still have people buying their pups, but genuine lads will still ei

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Lads of working dogs should not be selling for coin if you ask me. 

They should be doing it to improve or add to their stock. 

Ideally the surplus should be gifted or sold to known lads that will work them, the cost of upkeep is fair enough IMO providing the dogs could be used in the future for breeding purposes. 

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  On 17/02/2021 at 15:37, chartpolski said:

Working dog lads will go to people who breed working dogs.

The peddlers, profiteers, and breeders of non-working bred pups will still have people buying their pups, but genuine lads will still either breed their own or go to people they trust.

The price is immaterial to me, it's how they are bred.

If you want it, you'll travel anywhere and pay what it's worth to you.



Im glad you said that. I couldnt agree more. Ive always paid the price even if I couldnt afford it. why is the money always the most talked about aspect of getting good stock. The biggest  concern should be getting good pups that have good tight breeding behind them. That is very very hard to do, and if you do manage it and you are a dog man you wont start jibbing over money. 


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  On 17/02/2021 at 21:07, Bosun11 said:

It ain't just the Pets For Homes type sites though. It's every online hunting site, dog lads are selling to (ripping off) dog lads, with massive "PM me" prices...


Aye thats the trouble theres alot of folk cashing in on working dogs thats where the trouble starts. Poodle x courser ??‍♂️ For example. Im a buyer of the right dog by the way and will pay if its decent and had some time put into it but what does me is when people start putting the working dogs to pwt homes

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  On 19/02/2021 at 12:35, C.green said:

Aye thats the trouble theres alot of folk cashing in on working dogs thats where the trouble starts. Poodle x courser ??‍♂️ For example. Im a buyer of the right dog by the way and will pay if its decent and had some time put into it but what does me is when people start putting the working dogs to pwt homes


Mate it’s who’s ever crossing the palm with gold gets the pup home is irrelevant pet/work/race crazy ain’t it but I find it all strange how some people on here are still delusional to the fact that there saying dog lads will gift other dog lads pups an they won’t have to pay a high price yet on here you have lads doing litters but there’s no influx of pups available as gifts or at working mans prices to working homes you only see the odd lad gifted a pup out a litter on here yet there’s people on here saying there pay the going rate asked if the dogs are bred right. Tbh I’ve never been one for high prices but if someone as done a decent litter of pups that I like the breeding an out of proven workers if I was looking an it was £1000 a pup I’d cross there palm with gold to get what I want because I can guarantee there’s no gifted pup coming my way out of working dogs off here 

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The coursing lads been charging a fortune for pups for years. 

I'd soon rather pay 3-400 for a pup out of well tested lamping dogs than 700 for a saluki x. 

Couple lads I know been selling loads of pups and makeing a fortune off them (not lurchers) if people are going to pay the money lads will keep breeding. 

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  On 19/02/2021 at 14:20, jcm said:

The coursing lads been charging a fortune for pups for years. 

I'd soon rather pay 3-400 for a pup out of well tested lamping dogs than 700 for a saluki x. 

Couple lads I know been selling loads of pups and makeing a fortune off them (not lurchers) if people are going to pay the money lads will keep breeding. 


true mate , if people are soft enough to pay silly prices for dogs, people will keep breeding them . ive said on these posts before that all dogs  shit and piss the same , so why pay , say £ 300 quid for one type , then another £1, 300 quid  , ok  you get certain  breeds , that just bred for one type job, gundog,police dog, coursing dog, fighting dog ,  digging dogs , lurchers ,and even the above tops for me be £ 800 , and that be breaking me fookin arm , ive been lucky maybe with lurchers most were given to me, most i paid  was for a  pit x grey in the 80s £ 120 quid , bullmastiff was prob he most £ 250 thats in the 80s the staffs and pit were about £ 200 , so suppose a fair wack , but nothing like today prices people pay. in fact i was talking to my son  few weeks ago , about dogs etc, as you prob know ive got little woody his jack x , he said maybe when his kids are older and full time school , might have one , i said leave it 4-5 years  and look at rescue  whippet types  easy to look after  and dont break the bank to buy one from there £ 50-100 quid  money goes back for up keep of dogs, and most only want chance of life. yep get one from there deff 

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  On 19/02/2021 at 16:12, Loton Moocher said:

Well after reading all this I doubt I’m gona find a good whippet at stud for 30 Bob then ?


Your probably find something fella keep the faith you need to test the waters properly good place to do it’s on here if they say there’s still good people in this game that don’t want your pants round your ankles lay all cards on the table ie your bitch breeding, age,agenda why your breeding what your expectations are from the breeding show them the work your bitch does 

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