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Bushing with Jack Russell’s


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The old dog on the right was a great dog to ground he was as old as the hills and still been dug too, he wanted to scrap that much and that old he would try and sneak up to foxes in cover for the fight instead of a hunt wasn't my dog but a good friend of mine. Dog in middle was a line of springer Russel with a touch of bull and bitch on left was mainly Russell with a touch of Patterdale and border, one of the best all rounders I had sadly lost her to ground in a sand earth 


Edited by fenman1#
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7 hours ago, fenman1# said:

The old dog on the right was a great dog to ground he was as old as the hills and still been dug too, he wanted to scrap that much and that old he would try and sneak up to foxes in cover for the fight instead of a hunt wasn't my dog but a good friend of mine. Dog in middle was a line of springer Russel with a touch of bull and bitch on left was mainly Russell with a touch of Patterdale and border, one of the best all rounders I had sadly lost her to ground in a sand earth 


How did you find the springer russel fir hunting them?? 

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5 minutes ago, jcm said:

How did you find the springer russel fir hunting them?? 

One of the best I ever see to hunt cover tbh he was my mates I owned the black and white bitch. We only hunted fox then was about 11 years ago that was taken he's father was springer/Russel x bull/Russel and hes mother was 3/4 Russell 1/4 springer. Screamed he's head off when on, only thing the c**t fired blanks couldn't get a pup out of him 

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Just now, fenman1# said:

One of the best I ever see to hunt cover tbh he was my mates I owned the black and white bitch. We only hunted fox then was about 11 years ago that was taken he's father was springer/Russel x bull/Russel and hes mother was 3/4 Russell 1/4 springer. Screamed he's head off when on, only thing the c**t fired blanks couldn't get a pup out of him 

Sounds handy enough. Shame he was a jaffa, nice markings on him aswell. 

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1 minute ago, jcm said:

Sounds handy enough. Shame he was a jaffa, nice markings on him aswell. 

Yeah lovely marking was a bit if a miserable c**t tho, one thing I didn't like about him was if he found a hedgehog in the thickest of cover you would have to get the c**t cause he wouldn't leave it alone till you got him but he made up for it hunting fox 

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4 hours ago, fenman1# said:

Yeah lovely marking was a bit if a miserable c**t tho, one thing I didn't like about him was if he found a hedgehog in the thickest of cover you would have to get the c**t cause he wouldn't leave it alone till you got him but he made up for it hunting fox 

My sister has a small russell type it is bred out of working stuff as far as i know but it is just a pet to them and that thing is always killing hedgehogs that come into the garden. He's affectionately known as the little shit to them.

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4 hours ago, fenman1# said:

Yeah lovely marking was a bit if a miserable c**t tho, one thing I didn't like about him was if he found a hedgehog in the thickest of cover you would have to get the c**t cause he wouldn't leave it alone till you got him but he made up for it hunting fox 

My terrier is the same with hedgehogs. 

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