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as I said i have a rifle,a 223,im not against anyone shooting ,but theres guys on FB that put photos up of 6 ,8 even 10 foxes shot in a night ,with the f***ing finger up (jesus i hate that pointless g

Understandably he's being secretive with any details,I was saying it must be from the same line surely,and if it is the same lad that shot the other 2whites will be delighted to shoot every one he can

I have no time for dicks like that I remember digging a almost black vixen with a border bitch I just picked up I let her run run free the lad that owned the line gave me her after seeing that a true

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Why would someone shoot something so rare just to brag about a trophy they have shot.They should at least let it breed to get the population up with that mutation in it before culling the 1st one they see.Call themselves sports man what a joke.

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6 minutes ago, lurchers said:

Why would someone shoot something so rare just to brag about a trophy they have shot.They should at least let it breed to get the population up with that mutation in it before culling the 1st one they see.Call themselves sports man what a joke.

Why would you want to get the population up. Its a genetic mutant. I don't know about white ones (that one looked fit and healthy) but black ones are often sick weedly specimens. Before you know it the whole area would be full of Chris packham types with cameras desperate for a sighting. Things like that just bring media and do-gooders sticking their oar in. 

I can't understand why you shoot it and take a picture then allow it onto the Internet, get ready for cruel hunter articles really soon. The media obbsesing over individual animals never brings anything positive to the countryside. 

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28 minutes ago, lurchers said:

Why would someone shoot something so rare just to brag about a trophy they have shot.They should at least let it breed to get the population up with that mutation in it before culling the 1st one they see.Call themselves sports man what a joke.

Mine was roadkill,I believe the others bully them  mine had half its ear bitten off,believed to be the others.they don't integrate with them apparently 

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as I said i have a rifle,a 223,im not against anyone shooting ,but theres guys on FB that put photos up of 6 ,8 even 10 foxes shot in a night ,with the f***ing finger up (jesus i hate that pointless gesture) and they continue to shoot through the whole year in the name of pest control,i understand that some have to do it  for the right reasons ,but others just get a hard on showing off...i am thinking then how many litters are left to die starving in a den cause the vixen was shot ...i start thinking i sound like an anti but it does make me shiver a bit to see at the end of the year blokes with 100 plus tails shot through out the year ..its a competition now to them it seems , with the night vision and all the other new gadgets ,theres no hope of failure really,,in 20 years of owning a 223 ,ive shot 2 foxes,both were after killing ducks and chickens in a farm ,i caught one red handed ,and the other we dug out after the chickens were found on the den door,but ive let tons go that i could have shot,and then what dumped in a ditch.id rather the hounds and terrier men deal with them .

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Bang on jigsaw,I used to go out regular with my mates who had rifles he was a gamekeeper, but did not like the injured fox's running on,so trained my lurcher to track and pull.he got an expert at it,they shot by the old lamping method,no night sights,spotters or nothing.i don't agree with wounding any animal and let it run on and die later.far too many idiots with rifles nowadays.

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13 minutes ago, jigsaw said:

as I said i have a rifle,a 223,im not against anyone shooting ,but theres guys on FB that put photos up of 6 ,8 even 10 foxes shot in a night ,with the f***ing finger up (jesus i hate that pointless gesture) and they continue to shoot through the whole year in the name of pest control,i understand that some have to do it  for the right reasons ,but others just get a hard on showing off...i am thinking then how many litters are left to die starving in a den cause the vixen was shot ...i start thinking i sound like an anti but it does make me shiver a bit to see at the end of the year blokes with 100 plus tails shot through out the year ..its a competition now to them it seems , with the night vision and all the other new gadgets ,theres no hope of failure really,,in 20 years of owning a 223 ,ive shot 2 foxes,both were after killing ducks and chickens in a farm ,i caught one red handed ,and the other we dug out after the chickens were found on the den door,but ive let tons go that i could have shot,and then what dumped in a ditch.id rather the hounds and terrier men deal with them .

100%. And the bloody do gooders don't realise how much they have done to promote the gunmen....all because 'expert marksmen' suits their view of countryside management. Once we could move cubs to areas where they did no harm, now if we did that we would be 'breeding foxes for hunting'. Sad times for the fox

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11 minutes ago, jigsaw said:

as I said i have a rifle,a 223,im not against anyone shooting ,but theres guys on FB that put photos up of 6 ,8 even 10 foxes shot in a night ,with the f***ing finger up (jesus i hate that pointless gesture) and they continue to shoot through the whole year in the name of pest control,i understand that some have to do it  for the right reasons ,but others just get a hard on showing off...i am thinking then how many litters are left to die starving in a den cause the vixen was shot ...i start thinking i sound like an anti but it does make me shiver a bit to see at the end of the year blokes with 100 plus tails shot through out the year ..its a competition now to them it seems , with the night vision and all the other new gadgets ,theres no hope of failure really,,in 20 years of owning a 223 ,ive shot 2 foxes,both were after killing ducks and chickens in a farm ,i caught one red handed ,and the other we dug out after the chickens were found on the den door,but ive let tons go that i could have shot,and then what dumped in a ditch.id rather the hounds and terrier men deal with them .

I had a conversation with someone the other day “I’ve spent X amount on this scope and X amount on this heat recogniser thingy and X amount on this”....

I said “f**k me I know and appreciate it’s pest control, but where’s the art in it nowadays? Working a lamp? Squeaking a fox in into range? Anyone can pull a trigger?” Now granted I’m no a shooter, I’ve never been a shooter, likely never will be, I know it’s pest control,  I get that, but surely to f**k all these gadgets are taking the buzz out of it? Or is it just about the kill not the thrill now?  


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1 hour ago, RossM said:

I had a conversation with someone the other day “I’ve spent X amount on this scope and X amount on this heat recogniser thingy and X amount on this”....

I said “f**k me I know and appreciate it’s pest control, but where’s the art in it nowadays? Working a lamp? Squeaking a fox in into range? Anyone can pull a trigger?” Now granted I’m no a shooter, I’ve never been a shooter, likely never will be, I know it’s pest control,  I get that, but surely to f**k all these gadgets are taking the buzz out of it? Or is it just about the kill not the thrill now?  


I think it's an issue with the entire shooting world...they are shooters not sportsmen. The shooting world went all out to attract new blood, the idea being that the more people who went shooting the safer it would be. Now instead of directing these new people into beating, ferreting, wildfowling and natural history they simple got a gun and were shown to a peg. Obviously many decent active lads wanted to play a bigger part in this exciting new world they were in....and getting a rifle and getting into fox shooting was the next step. They have the money for both shooting permission and new kit, unfortunately that's now created something that is terrible for wildlife and sport in general. 

The sad thing is as rabbits have disappeared and hunting and coursing are constantly being hounded I can't see a way out of the whole thing consuming itself. If you live in an area with lots of countryside you are lucky, take a look at the northwest and parts of the Midlands to see the future....people regularly walk into farms round here willing to pay a fortune to get permission to shoot the last fox "pest control innit mate" 

Edited by DIDO.1
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18 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

I think it's an issue with the entire shooting world...they are shooters not sportsmen. The shooting world went all out to attract new blood, the idea being that the more people who went shooting the safer it would be. Now instead of directing these new people into beating, ferreting, wildfowling and natural history they simple got a gun and were shown to a peg. Obviously many decent active lads wanted to play a bigger part in this exciting new world they were in....and getting a rifle and getting into fox shooting was the next step. They have the money for both shooting permission and new kit, unfortunately that's now created something that is terrible for wildlife and sport in general. 

The sad thing is as rabbits have disappeared and hunting and coursing are constantly being hounded I can't see a way out of the whole thing consuming itself. If you live in an area with lots of countryside you are lucky, take a look at the northwest and parts of the Midlands to see the future....people regularly walk into farms round here willing to pay a fortune to get permission to shoot the last fox "pest control innit mate" 

On arable land too ??‍♂️??‍♂️ 

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2 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

Why would you want to get the population up. Its a genetic mutant.

I nearly commented to that end earlier. It's beautiful to humans but in nature it is a rare mutation because nature continually kills those with the mutation off. Frankly you'd be doing the fox gene pool a favour by doing natures bidding and culling it.

But I doubt that crosses anyone's mind. The rare ones get shot because they stand out. Which funny enough is the same reason nature kills them.

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23 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

Yeah....i worked on a dairy farm and it was same there, shooting desperate hungry milky vixens. Don't even bother looking for cubs. 

Whereas anyone with a boy old skool and respect for the quarry would locate the earth and dispatch Cubs too, ??

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16 hours ago, South hams hunter said:

Seen black ones but never white 

I,ve seen two black Fox’s, have a little vid somewhere of one I caught on a trail cam, but top trump goes to a mate of mine that has a spotty otter stuffed, I think he said it’s known as a royal otter or some such normal brown coat covered in white spots ??

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