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I am furious and upset, in the early hours of the 8/9.1.08 my yard and kennels were broken into, they came in under the alarm and razorwire fencing and beat my guard dog with a weapon and stole my 3 lurchers, i urgently need to find these 3 dogs of mine, the description of them is below and good pictures of them are below:


23" dark brindle bullgreyhound lurcher bitch with white chest, 2 staples in left leg where dew claw should be and scars around the muzzle, age 2.5. THIS DOG HAS SINCE BEEN FOUND DUMPED IN ARBORFIELD READING 11.1.08


24" black bullxgreyhound lurcher bitch with white chest and feet, lots of scarring around the face, legs and body, age 3.5.

26" fawn bullxgreyhound lurcher dog with white muzzle and chest and staples in the right ear, scabbed marks on the face, age 2.5

I have contacted the police who have been down, also all the dog homes and wardens, it is crucial i find these dogs as soon as i can as already 24 hours have passed and last time they were run and 2 ended up dead. Contact me if anyone asks around and has any information, i need to find these people, the liklihood is that it will be around this sort of area, Berkshire, Bucks, Middlesex etc. Anything said is confidential. These dogs are on dog lost and will be in the countrymans weekly.




picture of balck bitch bullxgreyhound below

Edited by thecharlie
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