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Rabbit Pie ! And, for the purists, made with shortcrust pastry, NOT puff pastry ! ? ! Cheers.

Family get together at ours, so a bit of a spread.. 13 hour cooked brisket, slow cooked pork shoulder.. Home made coleslaw, stuffing, roasties... and a 2 day hangover! Lol

Treat off my dad tonight, he's a friend on the fresh fish stall up town... Scallops and lemon sole fillets...

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What's cooking? Nothing what so ever! But, I'll tell you what? I'm due bacon, egg and chips, today. And I could fukking kill for it, right about now! :D Mustn't. If I start feeding myself at any old random time of day? The structure of my entire existence could start to unravel!

Tell you another thing? I was talking to a woman, last night. Curries, inevitably, came up. And I mentioned how I'd just got a genuine, Indian chapati pan. And she's gone through the roof! Like; 'OMG, Yeah! Chapati's? Food of the Gods!'

And, I'm sat here, with all the makings out there ... Wondering how delish' this shit must be, to evoke such a reaction. I've never had one before.

And then, there's the damned infernal Mush'. Fukker's told me about Falafel. Oh God!!! I'm like an addict, knowing the solution of all this inner turmoil is just the other side of that door. I Must Not go out there!!! ?

Christ. Until the constant fukking drip, drip, drip of this place - Phil, with his jalfrezi and shiraz. Neil and his fukking rendang and chapati's. Now el Mush' and falafel ....?! I used to eat just to keep myself alive!

Now I'm consumed with mad ideas about what different shit to try next. And my kitchen's becoming crowded with cookware Gordon Ramsay wouldn't consider rubbish!

Oh, sweet jesus!!! Bloody woman, from last night, just got back to me? Said she Bakes her falafel, because she doesn't like deep frying? Which one of you fukkers ran that " Air Fryer " past me, on my curry thread?! FFS!!! Amazon, here I come! ?

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At some point today ...? Falafel! ? I'm really shitting it about this! I knocked up the best approximation to the mix I could manage, within the limitations of what I have to hand.

I definitely over blended the mix. Used my Braun 'Stem' type hand blender. Probably got a little compulsive about going after every last, visible, pea.

Woman who I was following says to put the mix in the fridge, " For an hour, or over night. " Well, if I leave this shit over night? It'll be like it's taken me a fukking week to make!

It's shit or bust, this one. If I don't like it? I'll accept my version probably wasn't the best and shall move on. If I like it? Jeff B's gonna notice the spike in his fukking profits as I hit Amazon for a shit ton of falafel oriented stuff!?

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Speaking of food, we won a free book on the postcode lottery and I picked one of Nigella Lawson's books. 

How the hell can she get away with pretending to be a cook, her dishes are absolutely horrendous! 

Edited by Greb147
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