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Rabbit Pie ! And, for the purists, made with shortcrust pastry, NOT puff pastry ! ? ! Cheers.

Family get together at ours, so a bit of a spread.. 13 hour cooked brisket, slow cooked pork shoulder.. Home made coleslaw, stuffing, roasties... and a 2 day hangover! Lol

Treat off my dad tonight, he's a friend on the fresh fish stall up town... Scallops and lemon sole fillets...

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Sausages are in the oven for a couple of sandwiches at this moment.

Don’t  know about anyone else, but I haven’t fried sausages for about 30 years due to a couple of rather ugly bouts of food poisoning I got from them when I “cooked” them at fishing years ago……since then, always done in the oven.

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1 hour ago, WILF said:

Sausages are in the oven for a couple of sandwiches at this moment.

Don’t  know about anyone else, but I haven’t fried sausages for about 30 years due to a couple of rather ugly bouts of food poisoning I got from them when I “cooked” them at fishing years ago……since then, always done in the oven.

Air fryer 9 minutes Wilf. I always check with temperature probe mate as well.

Cheers Arry

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Misses is down looking after grandkids so a quick sweep round the fridge and cupboards found enough for a sausage surprise, leaks, potato’s, carrots, toms, onions, garlic and a few sprinkles from the spice rack should keep us warm and fed for a few days ??



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This is pretty tasty :yes:

 .......... the missus and little 'un tried it but, they didn't like it - it's quite a salty fishy flavour.


It's actually Lump fish Roe - the caviar label is just sneaky advertising....... still good though :thumbs:




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8 minutes ago, Jonjon79 said:

This is pretty tasty :yes:

 .......... the missus and little 'un tried it but, they didn't like it - it's quite a salty fishy flavour.


It's actually Lump fish Roe - the caviar label is just sneaky advertising....... still good though :thumbs:




I like a bit of caviar on sourdough ?

forgot to put desert up,honey and saffron drizzled on finger bananas with freshly made coconut ice-cream and Oolong tea.




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7 minutes ago, mackem said:

I like a bit of caviar on sourdough ?

forgot to put desert up,honey and saffron drizzled on finger bananas with freshly made coconut ice-cream and Oolong tea.




You seem to get into some posh gaffs mate - the food looks top notch :good:

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Today's efforts,  my first ever at making pastry.  Supposed to be cheesey flakey, but I over worked it a tad, so more rough puff. Anyway it worked.

The tidy one is the first pie which is roast chicken and veg,  the untidy one made from left over pastry is left over roe bourgignon from the other night.

Me and her were very pleased. 





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Top tip. Bicarbonate of soda in your pastry mix. Only a little but it halts the pastry returning on itself when you are rolling. Must admit, the second pie looks a shambles but it wouldn’t taste any different. Jok.

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31 minutes ago, jok said:

Top tip. Bicarbonate of soda in your pastry mix. Only a little but it halts the pastry returning on itself when you are rolling. Must admit, the second pie looks a shambles but it wouldn’t taste any different. Jok.

Funny enough it smells awesome,  tast that one tomorrow for lunch. 

Thanks for the tip.

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Just another son. Looking at the pic you might be trying your hand at an apple pie. Mix a tablespoon of sugar into the pastry with just a water brush and sugar top before it goes in the oven. Jok.

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