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50000 crack pipes

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I was in prison at 15  on firearm charges and armed robbery, through knocking about with the wrong sorts ... Did my time and have kept my nose clean for the last 26 yrs, worked my arse off, never been

iv never read so much shit re addiction in my life cut there throats euthanise them .....seriously ...cmon lads cutting your owns throats euthanising addicts feck off man ....plenty differentnt reason

So they drink or abuse people in other ways and are on a path of self destruction?? What about the people or kids who are forced into prostitution with no choice?? Use drugs to block out the pain??? L

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  On 27/01/2021 at 17:46, Francie said:

Could be but,there completley different,cannabis Is a natural plant that grows on the earth with medicinal purposes,coke is chemical ridden shite.


It's time for it to be legalised imo any body who thinks it's no worse than an highly addictive class A drug like cocaine haven't seen the devastating impact an addiction to this class A Drug has and the shit storm it can create for families and I am talking from experience. 

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  On 27/01/2021 at 19:33, W. Katchum said:

I don’t know mate I was still under illusion that decent stuff was about ton a gram ? but what do I know ?


Decent stuff dont even exist over here mate its all smashed to f**k with synthetic shit long before it even gets here.Anything that even resembles a bit of flakey stuff is £80/£100 a G round here so id hate to think what 3 for £100 must be like.

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I think ordinary working class folks opinions are only based on what they have seen or experienced on the matter regarding drugs .I have an hatred for heroin that even goes back to the early 80s when a mate of mine who worked at the pit started dabbling with the shit and unbeknown to his mates him and another youth broke into the secure morphine box to rob it of its contents morphine that would be used and administrated in bad accidents like loss of limbs. The same lad who had some decent digging terriers back in the day was found dead in a field after relapsing after being released from a rehabilitation Centre a few days before and more than a few of his old mates said good f****n riddance. A fair few lads back then smoked a bit of solid or did a bit of fast on a weekend or dropped a tab of acid non of them would have been inclined or dreamed of robbing the Morphine safe.

Edited by tatsblisters
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  On 26/01/2021 at 18:28, FOXHUNTER said:

This is boring now. Think I will go and find a local dealer , buy some coke , get stoned , rob the neighbour's,  burn out a few cars in the street and get locked up ......might get accepted then ????


No offence but I think you will still come across as a naive jobsworth. Its not that you're straight that people don't like, plenty of us are, its that you have no empathy and are proud of it. Peoples lifes are all different and things happen and sometimes people stray down the wrong path. If you cant see that there is something wrong with you.

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  On 28/01/2021 at 09:50, maxhardcore said:

No give them a chance and support but if all they keep doing is causing misery and suffering to others and society because of their actions how long can you keep making excuses for them ?


I'd not make no excuses up or did I say I would , am saying some reply to this post are sad 

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  On 28/01/2021 at 10:18, maxhardcore said:

Can’t remember back in the day the social problems we have on the scale we have today for a few pints or a packet of cigs ya numpty .


Well fags cause thousands of deaths a year, more than any illegal drug. 


Again you've obviously lived a sheltered life because I know plenty of people older than you and your age that done bird for fighting after a few pints Lee 

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