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Repairing Long net??


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  Ludwig said:
I was out yesterday and got a hole in my 6oz nylon quick set 50 yard net :censored: , I'd like to repair it if it is possible but have no I dea how? if anyone could give me some advice I'd be very grateful. :notworthy::thumbs::boogie::drink:


Cheers L***

Hi Ludwig. A difficult task to explain though easy to show. I remember being shocked as I watched a guy repairing a hole in a salmon stake net. He set about it with a knife cutting mesh after mesh out of the damaged area, then started repairing it in a flurry of activity. The repair was perfect. To start you need a halfer, then cut the net so you can knit in one continuous repair, finishing again with a halfer. The knots into side meshes again are different, easy to show, not easy to explain. I've drawn a typical repair, it might help.


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Cheers Ian,


I think I understand the gist of what you are saying but I don't think I'd carry it off well enough, I might chciken out of the repair and turn it into 2 nets as the hole is not far off the middle.


Cheerrs L***

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not easy to describe on a flat screen but spread the net over your knees and imagine where the mesh twin should go and join the dots so to speak. you will need to cut out the damaged twine to do a neat job.


screw 2 hooks into the shed wall, hang the net from these so its tight and it will leave both hands free to work as well as keep the net tight so you can see what your doing :thumbs:

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  gav000 said:
Well because of this post i now have nets with no holes in them. It took a little bit of think about the photo that was posted but after a day or so, I started to play around 2nd time lucky i got the hang of it. :clapper::clapper:



Glad to hear it, I will have to stop procastinating and making exuses and just get on with it. Cheers

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  bezza said:
What's a haaf netter?

its a net used for catching salmon & seatrout in the solway it looks like a big e tipped on its side but with a long middle stick 15 foot long you stand in the solway waiting for the fish to come back with the tide then they touch the net you lift the beam up very quickly & the fish are trapped in tthe net then you dispatch them & put them in the bag

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