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How do you feel about the Union ?

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I’ve been following , reading ,  watching what the SNP are saying , wanting another referendum, wanting to get back into the EU . They are a nationalist party so I get that . 
         My own feelings are as an Englishman we are stronger and better as a Union. I’ve watched some interviews of the general public in Scotland and I’m none the wiser . Why does there still even after the referendum seem to be a desire to be independent? Is it the Brave heart thing ? Do the Scott’s hate us that much ? Is it financial, do they think they will be better off apart ? 
       Has Sturgeon got her sums right ? Is Scotland able to flourish without being part of the UK ? Is it even the right time at the moment for Sturgeon to be talking to Brussels when there are surely more pressing things to be talking about at the moment ? 

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  On 14/01/2021 at 11:44, shovel leaner said:

I’m sat in a high seat squirrel bashing ?. Helps pass the time. Actually I’m going to have to move , I can’t feel my feet . 


You on a feeder set up mate .We are on a mission Sunday morning .Got 3 feeders getting hammered now and making hides this afternoon .

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Keep the UK as it is - Sturgeon is a seditious old battle axe that needs to go asap.

 .......... what she isn't understanding is that the UK voted to get rid of the EU - no British nation had a separate vote. We all did it together.


Further to that point - I'd like to see the Irish ditch the EU as well and come closer to the UK.


This is the best nation in the world bar none - the nationalist feelings in people here are a good thing and, to use the old phrase, we're definitely stronger together.

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  On 14/01/2021 at 12:01, Astanley said:

The country as a whole ,or just the annoying Scots  on here (hi ketchup ) ?


It's a shame we can't just ring fence a bit of Scotland for the Nats and excommunicate them from our Armed Forces and money. Decent Scots deserve better than Sturgeon and Blackford.


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Your average SNP painted warrior believes that Scotland can be sustained on shortbread and iron bru sales only, but does not represent the nation. The SNP represents Scotland to the degree that Bonnie Prince Charlie did back in the 1700s. The comparisons are very similar.  Both fought for independence whilst depending completely on a larger regime for backing and support, or the European union and in the past the Roman Catholic power structure. Sturgeon is a 'Young pretender' just as old Charlie boy was. 

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Scotland had there Referendum and as Borris pointed out yesterday, it was supposed to be a once in a lifetime opportunity. They voted to stay! But like we witnessed with our very own EU referendum, the losers couldn’t and wouldn’t ax the result. 

Add to that Scotland voted to remain part of the EU, they’re using that for their own personal agenda. 

I would Hang Wee Jimmy Cranky from the gallows tree. 

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  On 14/01/2021 at 12:02, foxdropper said:

You on a feeder set up mate .We are on a mission Sunday morning .Got 3 feeders getting hammered now and making hides this afternoon .


I scraped a load of damp wheat up from the bottom of a trailer and dumped a few bags under a couple of high seats . Not very productive at the moment. Only seen a few and shot two . I’ll give it another day or two . 

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  On 14/01/2021 at 16:36, shovel leaner said:

I scraped a load of damp wheat up from the bottom of a trailer and dumped a few bags under a couple of high seats . Not very productive at the moment. Only seen a few and shot two . I’ll give it another day or two . 


Just make sure you only shoot the miserable scrounging grey (English) ones.., don’t be shooting any of those lovely wee ginger (Scottish) ones. 

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