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Attempting bullet casting

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Finally got most of the stuff I felt I need to start casting my own bullets.  Made my first small run tonight. Didn't even get half way though my 10lbs lead pot and have close to 100 or so .225 dia 55

Well got my first batch of powder coated bullets done. Think the traffic cone puple color is gonna cause a few laughs at the range but hay all good fun ?

Did some one say muzzleloader!

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  On 27/01/2021 at 20:41, KimE said:

I shot a pellet rifle at a oak board ad a kid had to stop then the bullets hit my leg.


Me too. I thought the knot on a pine board would be good to aim at with my new air rifle as a 14 year old kid. I watched through the scope the pellet rapidly returning to me and only just ducked down in time for it to miss my face!

I also was looking to load a muzzleloader with a very small charge for squirrels.  15gn resulted in a ball returning from the scotch pine stump! So I went to 20gn, they stuck in it!

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So little update got about 50 pieces of lake city 5.56 rang brass prepped for the most part. Full length resized with a shoulder bump or around 0.005"was gonna just bump the bare minimum of 0.003 which is kind of the rule for semi autos but after messing around my chamber seems to prefer the slightly deeper shoulder bump. It would chamber a lighter bump but tool a little more effort and since this gun rides around in the back seat of the truck or on the four wheeler it gets dusty and dirty alot so figured a little more "wiggle room" in the chamber to help with dust and what not couldn't hurt. But yeah cut out the military primer crimps, deburred,  all that good stuff and they're in the wet tumbler with some stainless steel pins dish soap and hot water to clean off all the excess lube and clean up the primer pockets .

Side note : I had head stamps on that LC brass that ranged from 1990 -2018 so out of 100 piece I decided to just use 50 from the last decade so my test batch will be a mix from 2012 being the oldest to 2018 being the newest. Would have preferred eveything be within a year or two as fare as lot wise but hay what can you do ?IMG_20210129_020013804.jpg.9346e3f1b066f12edcdc30e6d1b1eeae.jpg

I did try and film my brass prep process but I'm kinda sick right now and not sure if the footage is really worth showing ? might just come back and explain what all I did at a later date ?

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  On 27/01/2021 at 21:05, Sausagedog said:

Me too. I thought the knot on a pine board would be good to aim at with my new air rifle as a 14 year old kid. I watched through the scope the pellet rapidly returning to me and only just ducked down in time for it to miss my face!

I also was looking to load a muzzleloader with a very small charge for squirrels.  15gn resulted in a ball returning from the scotch pine stump! So I went to 20gn, they stuck in it!


Got a divit in my forehead from a BB bouncing back off of a full water bottle and clocking me ? 

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So got to shoot some today. Only got to shoot my sighter rounds before I had to stop due to battery problems with my target camera and chronograph ? but was able to get ten rounds total. The first five being the best and the send group being worst because I was rushing trying to get the shot off before my chronograph and target cam died. Here's my little set up. Plastic folding table , rear bag,bipod got a stap across the table as a bipod stop.


So basically 1" @50yd ( only doing 50 right now to try and weed out what shoots the best quickest.) Pulled the 5th shot so not counting it.


And my chrony readings 


Only around a 22 fps of standard deviation doesn't seem too bad . Gun functioned very well only had one hang up and really only think that because of my crappy old mag.  Last round hold open at the end of each mag too so all and all its looking promising.

And heres my load notes if anyone was curious about the details





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  On 27/01/2021 at 21:05, Sausagedog said:

Me too. I thought the knot on a pine board would be good to aim at with my new air rifle as a 14 year old kid. I watched through the scope the pellet rapidly returning to me and only just ducked down in time for it to miss my face!

I also was looking to load a muzzleloader with a very small charge for squirrels.  15gn resulted in a ball returning from the scotch pine stump! So I went to 20gn, they stuck in it!


Cupper bullets riccochet in rifle speed, saw a video then a guys hat were nocked of then he shot a .270w.

Steelshot riccochet in shotgunspeed IF you hit a rock they fly everywere.


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