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"Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty we're free at last " ! Bye Bye EU ??? Cheers.

Somebody needs to find out where that ballbag lives and go shouting “we’re out, now fcuk the eu, and fcuk you too” every night for years

To the negative posts questioning our freedom.....perhaps you would like to take a short holiday in North Korea?  Brexit was never going to be a massive change. It was just the first step. Brexit

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Strikes me back to the 7 o'clock news on Radio 4 the day after the referendum.  And I said to the Mrs... " Bloody hell we've only gone and done it" !!!!     and all the agro and votes in parliament.   And the traitorous b*****ds like b.lair and major and bercow and the turncoats and all the mp's that tried to form spin off parties but who all got chopped at the election. The worthless libs and the traitorous Scots. Oh and don't forget the bloke that kept hollering out outside parliament every night and the bias of the bbc.  There should be a lot hanging off of the railing outside parliament.  still Boris kept his cool and his word and struggled on to deliver the will of the people.  Democracy.  No doubt that the fifth column will do their utmost to get up to mischief and cause problems.  They still need watching.

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4 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

I’m not seeing any freedom whatsoever in the UK.

Total opposite ?

But at least our dictators are now elected by us and not just sworn in for back handlers and bribes, every journey starts with one small step ?

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1 hour ago, TOMO said:

free at last......naive


Is it naive to be free to regain sovereignty?

Is it Naive to be free to make our own trade deals ?

Is it naive to be free to make our own laws ?

Is it naive to be free to spend the billions ourselves, that we gave to the EU ?

Is it naive to be free from the ECJ making our laws and over ruling our courts ?

Is it naive to be free to control our own waters and fisheries ?

Is it Naive to be free to deploy our own armed forces and not for them to be part of the "European Army" ?

Is it naive to be free to make our own immigration policies, and not have them imposed on us ?

As Claire Fox said yesterday when answering the LibDem woman on Sky News ; " it's about sovereignty, being an independent, sovereign country FREE to make our OWN decisions.".


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To the negative posts questioning our freedom.....perhaps you would like to take a short holiday in North Korea? 

Brexit was never going to be a massive change. It was just the first step. Brexit was never going mean automatic control of immigration, we still need the right mps to do that. But controlling anything was impossible when in the EU. 

Now we have to vote the right people into parliament. So get out there when the time comes and campaign. Don't like any of the candidates? Well stand for election yourself. You can do that you know! That's freedom. 

We got the first step, that's all....but that's worth celebrating ???????????

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I have to say, I’m with Max and Tomo here.....you can’t trust these dirty b*****ds.

Have a look at some of the detail on that points based immigration system, if anything it opens things up more to all the wrong kind of people.

Just don’t get too excited yet lads, wait and make your judgements at the next GE ;) 

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6 minutes ago, WILF said:

I have to say, I’m with Max and Tomo here.....you can’t trust these dirty b*****ds.

Have a look at some of the detail on that points based immigration system, if anything it opens things up more to all the wrong kind of people.

Just don’t get too excited yet lads, wait and make your judgements at the next GE ;) 

The point is, Wilf, WE are now making our immigration policy, not the EU.

If we make a pigs ear of it, that's OUR fault.

And , as you keep reminding us, if we don't like it, we can make it known with our votes........something we couldn't do when the EU was making our immigration policy.

Of course it won't be perfect, but as I keep stressing, it's about sovereignty, us choosing our own destiny.


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