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SGAR's &Squirrels

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3 hours ago, LuckOrJudgement said:

Yes, my initial thinking was that squirrels will succumb to my fenns quicker than the difenacoum w/w grain.

The situation is that there is evidence that both squirrels and rats are visiting this particular job, although due to the client having no concept of social distancing whatsoever - insisting on climbing in the loft with me despite my protests, then draping herself all over me trying to pick cobwebs off my hat after Id come down - an absolute fcuking nightmare of a woman - luckily me and my family has already had covid.

Anyway fenns and rodenticide it is - the sqizzers can take their pick and Im doubling my usual price.

If you know squirrels are likely to eat Difenacoum bait  then you shouldn't use it as it doesn't state you can use against squirrels. The fact rats may be present  also doesn't make it legal.  Id use fenns or body grips . The labels the law as the saying goes 

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Obviously l don't  know the situation but it sounds like you need to minimise the number of times you go in the customer's house for Covid safety. And need to take  precautions to prevent squirrels accessing a bait that's  not approved for use against them. 

The old "collateral damage" argument  doesn't  stand up.

I'd bait the loft for rats and keep top- up checks to a minimum  and lace the fences ,garden or exterior of the house with traps for visiting squirrels   . 

That way there is a good chance of them being caught before they can enter the roof and find rat bait . Any squirrels actually nesting  in the roof ( and surely you would see very obvious evidence of this) will hopefully be caught outside.

I rarely put squirrel traps in a loft when I  can trap them on their daily outdoor foraging trips.

It saves time liaising with customers for daily indoor access to check the traps.  

Edited by comanche
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