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Hw110 scope rail

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Right Shaun, firstly, welcome aboard matey.  As to your scope fixing, may I say that the scope you have bought is not really suited to a sub 12 air rifle,  a 3 - 12 x 40 or 50 is ideal and the Hawke range is used by a huge number of air rifle shooters.  Soooooo if you want to use the one you have, because of it being oversized tube and 56mm lens, you will have to go for high mounts to clear the lens from the picatiny rail.  Take it into your local dealer to check the right one but 34mm tubes are just not used by many people so getting scope mounts is not easy, check with Ants Supplies if your dealer cannot help.

If I were you, I would get rid of the scope as it is too big and heavy instead get a Hawke scope with either side focus or AO focus which will be far better for your gun.  Sorry to talk down your scope but my advice will make your outfit lighter and far better suited to the gun.


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Hi Phil thanks for the welcome mate.No worries about my scope lol I really appreciate good honest opinions. like I said not been shooting very long and probably should of checked these forums out before I jump in with two feet as usual. I'm not to bothered about the weight mate  as I shoot from a bench into a field of targets up to 100 yards. I started off with the 3-12×50 but just cant see out that far accurately A mate said try his with the same scope I've just got, and was amazed at what a difference it made, especially clarity and the magnification range for my sight which is quite bad.. heard a lot of good reports about the hawke range since then And will be looking into them. Thanks for the advice Phil stay safe mate



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