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HW110 v/a BSA R10

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As the title suggests Boys, which would you go for? My heart says to go with a British made gun but my head says German. Are there any guns you lads would prefer over the two? I’m going to SFS’s next week so will pick a few up and see what I prefer. 

I will be shooting Squirrels/ Rabbits pigeons etc


yours In Sport D

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110 every day of the week..........................

Better mod (it actually works unlike the R10),  far far better cocking lever,  Side lever instead of that bloody awful rear bolt,  faster handling and if you go for the 110k it is even faster,  better mags, the black stock has a lovely feel soooooooo don't waste your money buying a crappy R10, treat yourself to a cracker.........................110 or 110k. 

Did I say I like the 110 range............................I am on my second 110k both .177 and .22 and cannot fault them.


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Both will do the job perfectly well, my own preference is .177 but it depends what the grey matter is telling you, some people believe that the .22 has more weight therefore a better killing power,  on the other hand the .177 has a better trajectory due to being lighter !!!!!

Buy whichever you like but most people who have .177 would not switch to .22


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  On 12/12/2020 at 23:03, Dougieboy said:

Nice one Villaman, appreciate your input buddy. Good win against the Dingles, bet you was happy with that. Whereabouts in Brum are you? 


Live near Bournemouth Dorset now, but  born in Birmingham lived in Sutton Coldfield  for the first 9 years of my life .

my parents could see what was happening, so decided to get us away to a better life and they certainly did that . It was like moving to a different country at the time ( late sixties) . Still a villa through and through , like the rest of the family 

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