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Has the Brexit sell-out began ?

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10 minutes ago, Francie said:

I apologise wilf for jumping the gun,I'm not sectarian at all,I just hate it when folk try to downplay a United ireland.

United ireland is for the people,not for politicians or economic forecasters,eu no one but the people.

Hey, not a problem at all mate ?

But you know yourself that there is an equal and opposite way of looking at it and I was simply asking what happens to those people ?

A girl from Bangor believes what she believes every bit as strongly as a bloke from from Derry if you get my drift......who’s right ?, I’m sure they would both say they are right.

Ireland is probably one of the most complicated situations in the world which sort of ties in nice about Charts point about a border in the Irish Sea.

As I said, I think both governments walk a fine line and the Irish government do it rather well. 


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History teaches that the British are pretty good at getting stuff done, industrious, innovative......They are wanted quality’s  in the world. All we need to do is get rid of the race to the botto

Tesco’s are stockpiling food incase thers a no deal., be a  tragic if the brits can’t buy cucumbers seedless grapes and melons in January lol 

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36 minutes ago, WILF said:

Anyway, I’m rather hoping for a no deal.

Stop f***ing about.

I, basically, gave up hope the moment I saw Boris was going back over there.


It's over. We've said that. End of.

So, why the Fukk is he getting on a plane to go and look at them, again?

Oh. Could it Just be that Boris is the consummate example of a fukking Invertebrate? That he'll come back with Another fukking " Deadline "? Rubber lipped, worthless, lying kunt that he is.

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1 minute ago, Ken's Deputy said:

I, basically, gave up hope the moment I saw Boris was going back over there.


It's over. We've said that. End of.

So, why the Fukk is he getting on a plane to go and look at them, again?

Oh. Could it Just be that Boris is the consummate example of a fukking Invertebrate? That he'll come back with Another fukking " Deadline "? Rubber lipped, worthless, lying kunt that he is.

Yep, I wouldnt trust him as far as I could throw him, but you never know......exciting times anyway.

None if these politicians wanted this but they got it, Boris has a choice and if he keeps his bottle then it’s win/win

If he throws the fishermen to the wolves it will be the betrayal we always guessed it would be.

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22 minutes ago, WILF said:

Yep, I wouldnt trust him as far as I could throw him, but you never know......exciting times anyway.

None if these politicians wanted this but they got it, Boris has a choice and if he keeps his bottle then it’s win/win

If he throws the fishermen to the wolves it will be the betrayal we always guessed it would be.

We don't have any fishermen, all our boats are crewed by foreigners, many even by Africans. Most of our catch is sold to the EU and we would struggle if their fishermen blockaded their ports. 

As much as I want a hard brexit and an independent Britain. Some give and take will need to happen. As long as we retain control of our waters, which is what I think he will do. We will give them access to our waters but under UK control 

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8 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

We don't have any fishermen, all our boats are crewed by foreigners, many even by Africans. Most of our catch is sold to the EU and we would struggle if their fishermen blockaded their ports. 

As much as I want a hard brexit and an independent Britain. Some give and take will need to happen. As long as we retain control of our waters, which is what I think he will do. We will give them access to our waters but under UK control 

We don’t have many fishermen now but it could well be an industry we could rebuild don’t you think mate ?

Why should the government collect the money when real people could rebuild their lives with that income ?

I dont trust the government with that money, it’s better off in the hands of private citizens 

Edited by WILF
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3 hours ago, WILF said:

Not taken the wrong way at all mate, and I admit it’s just my very humble outsiders opinion ?

Im a nationalist myself so I completely sympathise with your point.

Question mate, what do you do about the people who regard themselves as British ?

My wife is from Bangor, she thinks of herself as Irish and British.....how do you solve that particular problem ?

I have no doubt that for unionists it will be a very bitter pill to swallow and there would be a very real chance of violence but if that's the road they want to travel down again then so be it because it will only make nationalists resolve even stronger, it will be their choice on how they choose to deal with it but my own opinion is that I could not care less about their Britishness or their feelings or what they class themselves as, probably sounds harsh to lads like yourself but I'm just being honest. 

And by the way I'd assume your good lady is quite happy living in Ireland so will be completely unaffected. Lol. 


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3 minutes ago, dogmandont said:

I have no doubt that for unionists it will be a very bitter pill to swallow and there would be a very real chance of violence but if that's the road they want to travel down again then so be it because it will only make nationalists resolve even stronger, it will be their choice on how they choose to deal with it but my own opinion is that I could not care less about their Britishness or their feelings or what they class themselves as, probably sounds harsh to lads like yourself but I'm just being honest. 

And by the way I'd assume your good lady is quite happy living in Ireland so will be completely unaffected. Lol. 


Absolutely happy mate, as I said to Francie it don’t really bother me because my main priority was just to live out the way.

But the question still remains, what happens to those people.

The fact you don’t give a shit don’t really solve the problem does it ! Lol ? 

They are there, they are real, they are indigenous British people living on the British isles.

Now please don’t take this the wrong way because we are only chatting here, but one way of looking at it is why should they feck off because a bigger group of indigenous British people on the Island chose to identify as something else 400 years ago ? 

The tricolour is about what ? 250 years old ?

Before that it was the green flag wasn’t it ?

And before that it was St Patrick’s Saltire 

Prior to that I don’t think they had flags.

Id argue that a bloke from Ireland not saying he is British is the same as a bloke from the isle of white not saying he is British.

Im probably being deeply insulting here I have just realised and I don’t mean to be at all, I just find all this stuff fascinating ?

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13 minutes ago, WILF said:

Absolutely happy mate, as I said to Francie it don’t really bother me because my main priority was just to live out the way.

But the question still remains, what happens to those people.

The fact you don’t give a shit don’t really solve the problem does it ! Lol ? 

They are there, they are real, they are indigenous British people living on the British isles.

Now please don’t take this the wrong way because we are only chatting here, but one way of looking at it is why should they feck off because a bigger group of indigenous British people on the Island chose to identify as something else 400 years ago ? 

The tricolour is about what ? 250 years old ?

Before that it was the green flag wasn’t it ?

And before that it was St Patrick’s Saltire 

Prior to that I don’t think they had flags.

Id argue that a bloke from Ireland not saying he is British is the same as a bloke from the isle of white not saying he is British.

Im probably being deeply insulting here I have just realised and I don’t mean to be at all, I just find all this stuff fascinating ?

Anglesey, Orkney, Shetlands, Jersey, Guernsey and probably some ive missed (Falklands) ?

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18 minutes ago, WILF said:

Absolutely happy mate, as I said to Francie it don’t really bother me because my main priority was just to live out the way.

But the question still remains, what happens to those people.

The fact you don’t give a shit don’t really solve the problem does it ! Lol ? 

They are there, they are real, they are indigenous British people living on the British isles.

Now please don’t take this the wrong way because we are only chatting here, but one way of looking at it is why should they feck off because a bigger group of indigenous British people on the Island chose to identify as something else 400 years ago ? 

The tricolour is about what ? 250 years old ?

Before that it was the green flag wasn’t it ?

And before that it was St Patrick’s Saltire 

Prior to that I don’t think they had flags.

Id argue that a bloke from Ireland not saying he is British is the same as a bloke from the isle of white not saying he is British.

Im probably being deeply insulting here I have just realised and I don’t mean to be at all, I just find all this stuff fascinating ?

They can be as British as they like WILF and your correct they live in the British Isles but they'll live in Ireland as they already do but under Irish rule. They don't have to feck off but if they're not happy then they'd be more than welcome to. Lol. 

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9 hours ago, chartpolski said:

Having EU border controls between Britain and Northern Ireland is being sold by the politicians as NI having the best of both worlds, all the advantages of Brexit AND the advantages (?) of remaining in the EU . Even Cameron and May baulked at having a border down the Irish Sea !

I see it as the thin end of the re-unification wedge ! The EU want re-unification .

I can't see Sturgeon and the SNP being happy about this, just wait until they start crying " unfair ! ".


Its always about destroying great britain and theyre grip on modern world, the germans have never forgiven us for the ass kicking they got on the 2 wars, take the police out andyou can do what you like sort of thing. 

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