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Has the Brexit sell-out began ?

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7 minutes ago, dogmandont said:

Wilf don't take this the wrong way but that is just the typical English man's opinion of Northern Ireland and its nationalist people, basically yous have never had it so good so shut up and do what we decide for you. 

That shit don't wash and never has as history dictates, the push for a united Ireland will never stop until its realised and its very nieve of you to think otherwise. 

Not taken the wrong way at all mate, and I admit it’s just my very humble outsiders opinion ?

Im a nationalist myself so I completely sympathise with your point.

Question mate, what do you do about the people who regard themselves as British ?

My wife is from Bangor, she thinks of herself as Irish and British.....how do you solve that particular problem ?

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History teaches that the British are pretty good at getting stuff done, industrious, innovative......They are wanted quality’s  in the world. All we need to do is get rid of the race to the botto

Tesco’s are stockpiling food incase thers a no deal., be a  tragic if the brits can’t buy cucumbers seedless grapes and melons in January lol 

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3 hours ago, WILF said:

Don’t want to turn this into an Ireland thread but the fact is unity is a romantic notion.

Again, it comes down to the every day things that people in the north take for granted.

Sports facilities, broadband, health care, thriving towns and open shops, mobile phone signal........they would have none of this In its current form or at all depending on what it is if they were subsumed into the republic.

Their house prices would loose 75 % of their value etc etc 

The republic couldn’t afford them anyway.

When those realities became apparent it would all get shelved imho 

Romantic notion,have you forget the last 50 years ffs,Wilf I think it's you who's missing all of the above,,once again you've made a bad judgement,take for granted hahaha,an do you these things will disappear if ireland is unified lol shut  up would ye,no harm like,but who do you think you are saying that Catholics,(you didn't say Catholics but that's who you mean isn't it,)would give up  there country for broadband or whatever,ffs wilf you just sound like a typical English prick,the cheek of you too living in Ireland,oh the irony.

House prices would fall blah blah stfu would you you haven't a clue.

The south wouldn't want us hahahaha

They've no choice its Ireland,an if reunification did happen,the whole thing would have to be redone,Gov,police force etc

So please just shut up cause your talking shite.

We normally get on,but your condescending sectarianism hidden behind your thin veil of smart talk is rotten.

You honestly haven't a f***ing clue,its so ironic,you cant even grasp that ireland is Ireland,not broke in two ffs

You bang on about blacks an that coming to your land an taking over the streets,but vacant see the north is ireland,cause it was taken by force,how ironic you are,an il say all this to your face too.

Yove really pissed me of way your hidden sectarian know it all spiel,just please shut up cause you don't know what your on about.

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5 minutes ago, WILF said:

Not taken the wrong way at all mate, and I admit it’s just my very humble outsiders opinion ?

Im a nationalist myself so I completely sympathise with your point.

Question mate, what do you do about the people who regard themselves as British ?

My wife is from Bangor, she thinks of herself as Irish and British.....how do you solve that particular problem ?

We don't do f**k all wilf,they can still live hear no problem,an you know it,the bitter loyalist can go an f**k,if they want to start,were good to go,see the foot on the other hoe,the loyalists know its ireland,an was taken by force,so f**k them if they want to rate up,you pissed me of today,now I'm in a bad mood ya c**t ya

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I don't really want to get into Irish politics, but in my view of it, the mistakes were made when Ireland got independence.

What they got then is much like the devolution Scotland has now.

Free travel for people, no real border to speak of.

Free passage of goods.

Irish allowed to work in the U.K. With special tax breaks.

Irish allowed to vote in U.K. elections.

Where else in the world can foreigners vote in another countries election ?

The UK assumes responsibility for coastal search and rescue.

There are many bi-lateral agreements between Ireland and the U.K. that doesn't exist with other EU countries.

These agreements are incompatible with the EU rules that Ireland signed up to , hence the problems we see now.

I can only see two genuine solutions to these problems;

1; Ireland leaves the EU.

2; Ireland becomes truly "independent " and all the "special arrangements " are cancelled.

This won't happen, so we will muddle along for the foreseeable future.


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1 minute ago, Francie said:

Romantic notion,have you forget the last 50 years ffs,Wilf I think it's you who's missing all of the above,,once again you've made a bad judgement,take for granted hahaha,an do you these things will disappear if ireland is unified lol shut  up would ye,no harm like,but who do you think you are saying that Catholics,(you didn't say Catholics but that's who you mean isn't it,)would give up  there country for broadband or whatever,ffs wilf you just sound like a typical English prick,the cheek of you too living in Ireland,oh the irony.

House prices would fall blah blah stfu would you you haven't a clue.

The south wouldn't want us hahahaha

They've no choice its Ireland,an if reunification did happen,the whole thing would have to be redone,Gov,police force etc

So please just shut up cause your talking shite.

We normally get on,but your condescending sectarianism hidden behind your thin veil of smart talk is rotten.

You honestly haven't a f***ing clue,its so ironic,you cant even grasp that ireland is Ireland,not broke in two ffs

You bang on about blacks an that coming to your land an taking over the streets,but vacant see the north is ireland,cause it was taken by force,how ironic you are,an il say all this to your face too.

Yove really pissed me of way your hidden sectarian know it all spiel,just please shut up cause you don't know what your on about.

With the greatest of respect mate, what have I said that isn’t true ? 

Niw I will hold my hands up and say of course I look at it from a British slant but I’m not sectarian in any way shape or form, and catholic’s never entered my head I promise you.

Im a catholic myself although I completely reject that sick, twisted club and all the evils it has ever committed on the innocent.

Drive across the border in Cavan and their is a village, you will know the road because there is an IRA monument along there.

In the Republic side the village is wrecked !......boarded up shops and just general decline.

2 miles the other side of the border the place is buzzing, not an empty shop to be seen.

Now, I just wanted to live out the way so it don’t mean that much to me but it means something to most people.

Someone who’s house is worth £300,000 in NI isn’t (imho) going to want that house worth €60,000 as part of the republic because that’s what it is.

Its just day to day realities mate, I’m sure lads who feel as strongly as you would happily give £240,000 of your wealth for a United ireland but not everyone will.

I don’t care one way or the other, long as I ain’t living amongst wogs I don’t give a shit ! Lol 

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23 minutes ago, WILF said:

Not taken the wrong way at all mate, and I admit it’s just my very humble outsiders opinion ?

Im a nationalist myself so I completely sympathise with your point.

Question mate, what do you do about the people who regard themselves as British ?

My wife is from Bangor, she thinks of herself as Irish and British.....how do you solve that particular problem ?

As you've said many a time on here wilf,a dog born in a stable is not a horse,so anyone wos born in the north an call themselves British are fooling themselves,like the bitter loyalists do,everyone knows the north was taken by force not so long ago,everyone knows ireland is one.stop kidding yourself

I don't even like sinn fein or any party for that matter,I want ireland as one cause its ireland,an the occupying sectarian police force out.

Edited by Francie
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8 minutes ago, Francie said:

As you've said many a time on here wilf,a dog born in a stable is not a horse,so anyone wos born in the north an call themselves British are fooling themselves,like the bitter loyalists do,everyone knows the north was taken by force not so long ago,everyone knows ireland is one.stop kidding yourself

I don't even like sinn fein or any party for that matter,I want ireland as one cause its ireland,an the occupying sectarian police force out.

I respect your point of view mate, however I can’t help but point out that last time I looked Ireland was part of the British isles and always has been.

That makes people British and Irish.

The dog in a stable analogy don’t work I’m afraid in this scenario 

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39 minutes ago, Francie said:

As you've said many a time on here wilf,a dog born in a stable is not a horse,so anyone wos born in the north an call themselves British are fooling themselves,like the bitter loyalists do,everyone knows the north was taken by force not so long ago,everyone knows ireland is one.stop kidding yourself

I don't even like sinn fein or any party for that matter,I want ireland as one cause its ireland,an the occupying sectarian police force out.

I don't give two bucks about money,property value etc that will even itself out,ireland was partioned in 1921,a hundred years ago,it was ireland for thousands of years,against her will,so it's always hasn't been the British isles,now if folk want to say the british cause they were born in the north,then that's there problem.

Iv an Irish passport,but the north is british haha

I'm no way sectarian,it just boils my piss when folk downgrade irelands unification,an give economic or whatever reasons.

You came to ireland to get away from the wogs,would you be happy if the wogs had an army an took over by force an partioned ant part of England?no an you certainly wouldn't call it any other name than England.

If you look at a n.ireland passport,it says Great Britain AND n.ireland,so the folk calling themselves british are dreaming wilf,its the irish isle an british isle.

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I'm not going too ramble on but when someone trys to bring an Irishman an Irish unification down then il say my bit.

Theres no harm in irish folk wanting an all ireland,just like you wanted out of EU,an didn't want to be run by EU,I don't want ireland to be part of eu,a clean break would be gran,an not cause I'm sectarian its cause I'm irish in my homeland.

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7 minutes ago, Francie said:

I don't give two bucks about money,property value etc that will even itself out,ireland was partioned in 1921,a hundred years ago,it was ireland for thousands of years,against her will,so it's always hasn't been the British isles,now if folk want to say the british cause they were born in the north,then that's there problem.

Iv an Irish passport,but the north is british haha

I'm no way sectarian,it just boils my piss when folk downgrade irelands unification,an give economic or whatever reasons.

You came to ireland to get away from the wogs,would you be happy if the wogs had an army an took over by force an partioned ant part of England?no an you certainly wouldn't call it any other name than England.

If you look at a n.ireland passport,it says Great Britain AND n.ireland,so the folk calling themselves british are dreaming wilf,its the irish isle an british isle.

Mate, I’m an ethnic nationalist not a civic nationalist just for the record.
Britain existed long before Ireland, England, Scotland or Wales......they a recent inventions.

But all of that has nothing to do with Charts original post so apologies if I have sent the thread somewhat boss eyed with my thoughts on things 


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1 minute ago, WILF said:

Mate, I’m an ethnic nationalist not a civic nationalist just for the record.
Britain existed long before Ireland, England, Scotland or Wales......they a recent inventions.

But all of that has nothing to do with Charts original post so apologies if I have sent the thread somewhat boss eyed with my thoughts on things 


Same here too wilf

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1 hour ago, Francie said:

As you've said many a time on here wilf,a dog born in a stable is not a horse,so anyone wos born in the north an call themselves British are fooling themselves,like the bitter loyalists do,everyone knows the north was taken by force not so long ago,everyone knows ireland is one.stop kidding yourself

I don't even like sinn fein or any party for that matter,I want ireland as one cause its ireland,an the occupying sectarian police force out.

You sound the more sectarian to me Francie lol 


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I apologise wilf for jumping the gun,I'm not sectarian at all,I just hate it when folk try to downplay a United ireland.

United ireland is for the people,not for politicians or economic forecasters,eu no one but the people.

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