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Has the Brexit sell-out began ?

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I see Boris has agreed to remove certain parts of the Internal Markets Bill that the EU has objected to......parts that the UK had said were previously needed !

But far more worrying is the agreement to have EU Customs Officials posted in Northern Ireland to check goods moving between Britain and Northern Ireland, something that was previously a "red line ".

Surely this is a huge loss of sovereignty, having foreign officials telling us what can move between parts of the UK ?

I now think there WILL be a trade agreement, which will be sold to us as a huge victory, but will piss off the leavers in the Tory party !


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History teaches that the British are pretty good at getting stuff done, industrious, innovative......They are wanted quality’s  in the world. All we need to do is get rid of the race to the botto

Tesco’s are stockpiling food incase thers a no deal., be a  tragic if the brits can’t buy cucumbers seedless grapes and melons in January lol 

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4 minutes ago, riohog said:

we have customs officials in calais for return to the uk  .,wether that will continue  i dont know  i think there may be some kind of deal  but ive gone past caring ,what will be  will be .

Yes, we have customs officials there to check movement between France and the U.K., but we don't have customs officials checking movement between different parts of France or between France and other EUROPEAN countries.

They will have customs officials checking movement between two parts of the UK, no different in my mind to having foreigners checking movement between England and Scotland !


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9 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

Yes, we have customs officials there to check movement between France and the U.K., but we don't have customs officials checking movement between different parts of France or between France and other EUROPEAN countries.

They will have customs officials checking movement between two parts of the UK, no different in my mind to having foreigners checking movement between England and Scotland !


my view is the eu fkd up years ago by opening all borders in europe ,i didnt have any issues with showing a passport to enter different countries in europe  before the origioal  common  market thing think you were aloud 30 days before a visa in any country  , but cant quit swear on that , ive said it before iwas booted out of holland years ago  , well i never got in  they turned me back to germany becouse i had no money .no problem that was the law then , as in alot of countries now   " can you support yourself ",i just dont know these days what bollox they might come up with , we just got to swallow it im afraid .as for eire    well its not part of the uk  so we will see


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2 hours ago, chartpolski said:

I see Boris has agreed to remove certain parts of the Internal Markets Bill that the EU has objected to......parts that the UK had said were previously needed !

But far more worrying is the agreement to have EU Customs Officials posted in Northern Ireland to check goods moving between Britain and Northern Ireland, something that was previously a "red line ".

Surely this is a huge loss of sovereignty, having foreign officials telling us what can move between parts of the UK ?

I now think there WILL be a trade agreement, which will be sold to us as a huge victory, but will piss off the leavers in the Tory party !


The supreme optimist in me would like to think they were always going to take out those 3 parts of the IMB and it’s a stunt to show willing and gain for both sides.

Revenue officials at British ports is again window dressing, in reality it’s 3 blokes sat in a portacabin drinking tea and talking shit about Man Utd and Liverpool.

I have absolutely no faith in politicians but let’s just wait and see, they may surprise us......but probably not ! Lol 

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How to deal with N.Ireland seems to have been the sticking point for the last two years.

All things considered, I can accept this for now. It's one step towards them leaving the Union, but then they took that step already when they elected a majority of nationalists in the 2019-GE for the first time ever.

I don't want to see the N.Irish leave the Union but pragmatism has to come in to it at some point.

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6 minutes ago, Born Hunter said:

How to deal with N.Ireland seems to have been the sticking point for the last two years.

All things considered, I can accept this for now. It's one step towards them leaving the Union, but then they took that step already when they elected a majority of nationalists in the 2019-GE for the first time ever.

I don't want to see the N.Irish leave the Union but pragmatism has to come in to it at some point.

Don’t want to turn this into an Ireland thread but the fact is unity is a romantic notion.

Again, it comes down to the every day things that people in the north take for granted.

Sports facilities, broadband, health care, thriving towns and open shops, mobile phone signal........they would have none of this In its current form or at all depending on what it is if they were subsumed into the republic.

Their house prices would loose 75 % of their value etc etc 

The republic couldn’t afford them anyway.

When those realities became apparent it would all get shelved imho 

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9 minutes ago, Born Hunter said:

How to deal with N.Ireland seems to have been the sticking point for the last two years.

All things considered, I can accept this for now. It's one step towards them leaving the Union, but then they took that step already when they elected a majority of nationalists in the 2019-GE for the first time ever.

I don't want to see the N.Irish leave the Union but pragmatism has to come in to it at some point.

The British government know that a United Ireland is enviable they've known for a very long time and I'd say back room deals were done years ago. 


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3 minutes ago, dogmandont said:

The British government know that a United Ireland is enviable they've known for a very long time and I'd say back room deals were done years ago. 


More or less the same as Hong Kong but without the official deadline that China had in my opinion. Hope I'm wrong though and southern Ireland chose to come back under the umbrella. ?

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3 minutes ago, hambone said:

. Hope I'm wrong though and southern Ireland chose to come back under the umbrella. ?

Yeah, that won’t be happening anytime soon ! Lol 

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Having EU border controls between Britain and Northern Ireland is being sold by the politicians as NI having the best of both worlds, all the advantages of Brexit AND the advantages (?) of remaining in the EU . Even Cameron and May baulked at having a border down the Irish Sea !

I see it as the thin end of the re-unification wedge ! The EU want re-unification .

I can't see Sturgeon and the SNP being happy about this, just wait until they start crying " unfair ! ".


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2 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

Having EU border controls between Britain and Northern Ireland is being sold by the politicians as NI having the best of both worlds, all the advantages of Brexit AND the advantages (?) of remaining in the EU . Even Cameron and May baulked at having a border down the Irish Sea !

I see it as the thin end of the re-unification wedge ! The EU want re-unification .

I can't see Sturgeon and the SNP being happy about this, just wait until they start crying " unfair ! ".


Imho the ones who will create agro at ports are the French.

Ireland play a rather clever game of keeping the EU onside whilst realising that Britain is more important to them than almost any other country in Europe.

They just quietly go along, not ones for grand gestures or big rhetoric the Irish.....it will be a case of keeping the EU happy while just letting things crack on as they did before more or less.

Ireland won’t be creating any problems if it don’t have too, they can’t be arsed with all that.

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1 hour ago, chartpolski said:


I see it as the thin end of the re-unification wedge ! The EU want re-unification .


Of course there have been forces at work who would very much like to break up the most successful union in the history of the world.

It won’t happen, for all the reasons I stated above.

There is (imho) a very nuanced dance played out every single day on the island of ireland, it has to tick a lot of boxes.

Now it starts to get historical.

We are still today paying for the massive own goal of the 1840s-1850s, we will never be forgiven for that and what’s more we can’t be seen to be forgiven.

However, British money built this country and is still building it, we just don’t talk about it ! Lol 

The loyalists will never agree to a United ireland, ever......and why should they, they are British people living in the British isles at the end of the day.....what you gonna do, sling them out ? 

And so, there would be carnage, what there is at the moment works.....there’s f**k all in it for anyone to upset the apple cart.

Loyalists get to keep being British, Sinn Fein gets to keep their one policy of hating the English, the white lilly brigade get to keep shouting shit whilst getting on a plane to work in England.

Everyone is happy.

Sinn Fein don’t want a United ireland, they would be out of a job.....their whole career is just saying they do.

The Irish government (again imho) walk a fine line keeping everyone happy and I think they make a good job of it by and large.

There won’t be many seismic changes in Ireland.

All jmho of course 

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1 hour ago, WILF said:

Of course there have been forces at work who would very much like to break up the most successful union in the history of the world.

It won’t happen, for all the reasons I stated above.

There is (imho) a very nuanced dance played out every single day on the island of ireland, it has to tick a lot of boxes.

Now it starts to get historical.

We are still today paying for the massive own goal of the 1840s-1850s, we will never be forgiven for that and what’s more we can’t be seen to be forgiven.

However, British money built this country and is still building it, we just don’t talk about it ! Lol 

The loyalists will never agree to a United ireland, ever......and why should they, they are British people living in the British isles at the end of the day.....what you gonna do, sling them out ? 

And so, there would be carnage, what there is at the moment works.....there’s f**k all in it for anyone to upset the apple cart.

Loyalists get to keep being British, Sinn Fein gets to keep their one policy of hating the English, the white lilly brigade get to keep shouting shit whilst getting on a plane to work in England.

Everyone is happy.

Sinn Fein don’t want a United ireland, they would be out of a job.....their whole career is just saying they do.

The Irish government (again imho) walk a fine line keeping everyone happy and I think they make a good job of it by and large.

There won’t be many seismic changes in Ireland.

All jmho of course 

Wilf don't take this the wrong way but that is just the typical English man's opinion of Northern Ireland and its nationalist people, basically yous have never had it so good so shut up and do what we decide for you. 

That shit don't wash and never has as history dictates, the push for a united Ireland will never stop until its realised and its very nieve of you to think otherwise. 

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