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CORONAVIRUSChief Medi Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won’t Have “Freedom to Move Around”

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  On 06/12/2020 at 12:28, baker boy said:

So if this vaccine is made compulsory for travelling abroad how many of you will either have it against your better judgement and how many will stick to their guns and not holiday abroad...Anyone


Will never go abroad on an airplane as in an official holiday type of thing, getting in and out in the back of a van is not in anyway difficult and if needs arose that I had to get across there I will either go in the back of a motor or have fake papers, but if it were a choice of never leaving and getting jabbed I’d stay put ?

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We could crash our cars and kill an innocent person but most of us still drive, it’s just about freedom of choice, being told your not allowed to move around your own country unless you allow someone 

Wrong  mate there has been plenty after Adolf , the poor bloke gets the blame for everything 

Or make my own choices which my grandfathers fought for my right to do,  this virus will be a year old in March and probably fizz out by itself the way things are looking , I,m not shouting at people

  On 06/12/2020 at 12:28, baker boy said:

So if this vaccine is made compulsory for travelling abroad how many of you will either have it against your better judgement and how many will stick to their guns and not holiday abroad...Anyone


if the vaccine makes a difference to my life, ie freedom, then fek it I will have it done, I still even at my age have places to go, people to see, if I end up we a large protuberance hanging out mr forehead so be it

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  On 06/12/2020 at 12:54, iworkwhippets said:

if the vaccine makes a difference to my life, ie freedom, then fek it I will have it done, I still even at my age have places to go, people to see, if I end up we a large protuberance hanging out mr forehead so be it


I haven't had the flu jab, and I don't want the covid one,  but needs must

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  On 06/12/2020 at 12:13, Greb147 said:

Max don't be like the others on here. 

Where have I said I want a vaccine, I've never taken a flu vaccine as I'm happy to take my chances. 

I'll be pushing for my mother to have the vaccine as she's in her 60's and not in the best of health. 

If she catches the virus I think it will likely kill her, at her age what has she got to lose? 

I want her to get the vaccine ASAP tbh but with her poor health I'm not sure how effective it will be. 


One of the big issues with the vaccine is the long term effects on fertility, so in that respect I would also like my mother to have it as she is not likely to want anymore kids and she,s been locked in a home like a criminal since March with very little contact so has absolutely nothing to lose by trying it, on the other hand I would encourage my daughters to have a long hard think about it and make a balanced decision on there own health and fitness status and there future desires to breed, but once again it’s just about having a choice, that’s all I want , ✌️✌️

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  On 06/12/2020 at 11:16, maxhardcore said:

So you saying folk Were not eating healthier and naturally fitter back 30-50 years ago ?

Id say they were .


It would stand to reason that this was the case. That's the generation that is now living longer, that are in their eighties, not those who are middle aged today. 

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I really couldn't give a monkies about myself, I cant grumble ive not done to bad in life, and ive come to far just to give up, you have to think positive or you would go mental, but I can see that if you don't get the vaccine, I bet you will be limited to where you can go in life,    for example, im hoping in the near future to be moving counties, and im sure when that day comes, I will be asked if ive had the jab

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  On 06/12/2020 at 13:26, iworkwhippets said:

I really couldn't give a monkies about myself, I cant grumble ive not done to bad in life, and ive come to far just to give up, you have to think positive or you would go mental, but I can see that if you don't get the vaccine, I bet you will be limited to where you can go in life,    for example, im hoping in the near future to be moving counties, and im sure when that day comes, I will be asked if ive had the jab


Choice is what life's about, fair play, if that's what you decide. Both sides have the right to choose and that should be respected, but never guilt tripped into doing anything because of fear. I'll sit back and watch events unfold. 2021 should be a cracker!


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  On 06/12/2020 at 13:34, Neobliviscaris1776 said:

Choice is what life's about, fair play, if that's what you decide. Both sides have the right to choose and that should be respected, but never guilt tripped into doing anything because of fear. I'll sit back and watch events unfold. 2021 should be a cracker!



Fear, I fear nowt mate, that's cos ive nowt to fear, all as im saying is this, and correct me if I wrong, but as stated im hoping to be moving to a different county in the near future fingers crossed, wont that county be asking me if ive received the vaccination, im sure they will, so to eradicate my concern,   not fear I will have the jab

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  On 06/12/2020 at 12:28, baker boy said:

So if this vaccine is made compulsory for travelling abroad how many of you will either have it against your better judgement and how many will stick to their guns and not holiday abroad...Anyone


That's a fair question and I'm curious how many will stick to that. When I moved over here I had to have a full medical to ensure I wasn't carrying anything that blacklisted me from living here. I had to have all my jabs up to date.

House rules.

I had/have no issue with that.

The choice I had was not vaccinate and lose my opportunity, or vaccinate and crack on. I fully support that all actions should be voluntary but I also support the right to association. If anyone wishes to exercise their right not vaccinate they're not in position to cry foul when they're excluded from private property/business on the same grounds. No rights are violated here, IMO.

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  On 06/12/2020 at 13:42, iworkwhippets said:

Fear, I fear nowt mate, that's cos ive nowt to fear, all as im saying is this, and correct me if I wrong, but as stated im hoping to be moving to a different county in the near future fingers crossed, wont that county be asking me if ive received the vaccination, im sure they will, so to eradicate my concern,   not fear I will have the jab


If that's your choice then that's fine and should be respected. I wasn't implying fear is your personal motivation at all mate. But I'm sure it is the motivating factor of many people. Some people are generally up to their eye balls on prescribed drugs and medication anyway so another vaccination would be nothing to be concerned about for them I'm sure.

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To be perfectly honest if it meant not being able to go abroad without it ,then I’d probably get it despite saying otherwise earlier .Abroad holidays and travel for shooting are what I’d miss if pressed on the issue .Yes it’s against my will but life’s too short to be tethered to this island for the rest of it .

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  On 06/12/2020 at 18:12, foxdropper said:

To be perfectly honest if it meant not being able to go abroad without it ,then I’d probably get it despite saying otherwise earlier .Abroad holidays and travel for shooting are what I’d miss if pressed on the issue .Yes it’s against my will but life’s too short to be tethered to this island for the rest of it .


I understand the concern with this record speed jab. We cannot possibly know of any long term side effects as it isn't even being distributed yet. I will get it because I have elderly family and neighbours that I interact with regularly. As more data comes in I'm less concerned with how it will effect me personally and far more concerned at how I could pass it on, if I was infected, and seriously effect someone else's quality of life. I'm not arsed about keeping my distance and putting something, over my mouth and nose, if it helps keep someone else out of the ICU.

I don't doubt that if I ever hit the point of flying back to the UK, I'll require a C19 to travel. I certainly won't be first in line for a jab due to the availability but after having all the other jabs in the last 45 years I honestly don't give a sh*t. The pros, for me at least, certainly outweigh the cons at this point in time. I don't look at it as fear being the motivator.

Edited by ChrisJones
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  On 06/12/2020 at 18:31, foxdropper said:

Well written reply Chris .It’s the speed it’s been concocted that concerns me .I’m convinced I’ve had the virus back in November last year ,all my workforce had same as well as my wife .I’d like an antibody test but all attempts thus far have been thwarted .


Agreed especially as we've been bombarded with conflicting information over the last few months. I think the one that seems to be raising the flags for everyone is that we've been told that vaccines normally take years, even decades, to develop but this one has been produced in just months.

I was sick this time last year. I rarely get sick. This one knocked me on my arse, but didn't stop me from dragging myself out of bed and going to work. I had a rough few days and got over it. I've been told it couldn't possibly be Covid because it wasn't in the US until the end of January yet I had all the symptoms minus the lack of taste and smell.

Like you I'm convinced I had a dose of it also. Especially as I was in and out of Las Vegas casinos rubbing shoulders with bus loads of Chinese gamblers at the time. I too have been unable to acquire an antibody test purely to prove to myself that I may have had it.

It's anecdotal, I know, and I'll never know for sure but it wasn't life changing for me. If it was C19 I do feel I could have passed it on to someone far more vulnerable in that time and I don't even know it. That's the bit that bothers me and that's why I'll take the jab when I can.

Edited by ChrisJones
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